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10-10-10 Triple Crystalline Portal & Stargate Opening – Energies & Insights

Spinning-StarS eNewz

update energy report


Triple Crystalline Portal
Stargate Opening

Energies & Insights


Stargates & Portals

Saleena: I am astonished at the number of events being offered during this year’s powerful 10-10-10 triple crystalline portal & stargate opening. Because the energies of the opening portal-stargates are aligned with some potent origins & energies, this supports & amplifies any project you wish to create during this time. Stargates or Portals openings don’t just happen on one particular day and there is a peak day of their energies. It usually starts about two weeks before & last after for some weeks. Alignments can happen at exact moments, though. Information pours through them to inform our bodies & minds of what potential is next.

Journey with Us

I have added more articles & encourage you to come have some fun with us as we learn more about how to journey-travel into the omni-dimensions. We see some amazing sights, meet wonderful beings & are able to serve as we do lightwork projects as they present themselves. Join with us as we link up in the new living grid & then journey into the Stargate together. Register Info & Link is HERE.


Energy Essence Art

Suzanna shared with us how someone had created an essence that captured the energies of a special experience they had with a group & how much they looked forward to getting that essence & to amplify their link to the energies they all shared. She suggested I create a Vibrakey mandala that could do the same for our 10-10-10 Stargate Adventure & the energies we will share. So I did. You can order it for a special event price when you register (which is left online for a month so if you miss it you can get the recording) or purchase the recording after it is posted in our archives.


Groups Working with Us & Messages

Several groups have been working with us & I still have more messages from the The Founders & the Council of ONE to post as soon as possible.

The first one will be called “Break Through the Barrier” & is about it being time to assist us in using these new energies, that they likened to a pulsar star wave to finally break the barrier of Earth’s Galactic-Space quarantine. They pose the question to us, “Are you Ready for this?” & we are still thinking about what this might mean. We will talk about this some before the journey. The Founders first called it Galactic Severance. They first mentioned it in

Founders Weave a Story;
Xopiltletaluau, Peace Council,
Peace Summit, New Earth Sanctuary.

& Marimar talked with them & gained more understanding of this in this message:

10-10-10 Galactic Severance:
Graduation Time –
Founders Invitation – Marimar


This is one thing they will be presenting to us when we are in the Stargate.


The next messages will be about the new energies & the connection to all our Soul Expressions. The Council of One introduces themselves in a surprising (or not so surprising) way. They will be there also to work with us in the Stargate.

In the Stargate & New Energy

I was curious about what makes this stargate so special & powerful & I needed to see what it looks like & what kind of energy is in it so I could create the mandala.  Colin & I did a journey last week to see what we could find. We saw many colors & energy structures. There were 12 Light-Beings holding a geometric configuration & sending a kind of rainbow light into the center. I saw that the central opening was connected to the “mouth” of Source Creator for this Creation. This is when I knew that we could send love & energies into this “mouth” or central opening of the stargate & that energies, information & new codes would flow out of it.


We were drawn in on another journey last night to connect to the newest energies coming through it. Beings from all over creation were gathered to receive something new flowing from beyond our Source. Astonishing new sparkling golden particles of new energies began to pour out of the stargate last night. They permeated our bodies, until every cell looked like it had a golden halo of gold dust around it. Then it went on to permeate all living things & Mother Earth. When I look at VK56 BETH the Living Super Consciousness Grid, I see the kind of golden sparkling light & this reminds me of the new energy only it is more white-gold in color.



So much is happening so quickly, I hope I can post these adventures & messages before 10-10-10. Otherwise, I will post them after the 10-10-10. I AM sure these messages will stay current for awhile & the new energies will keep flowing.


Continue to Prepare Seeds to Plant
for New Paradise Earth

So whatever you choose to do on 10-10-10, make sure it aligns with what you want our New Paradise Earth to be like & what kind of new Reality you desire. On 9-9 we Planted our Seeds. It was a powerful & beautiful journey. So many shared their seeds. You can read them, just click the 9-9 link and read the comments. The vision that Marimar wove for us with everyone’s seeds-intentions & dreams for the kind of Earth they want was awesome! We were taken to the Pineal Gland of Mother Earth to plant them! It was so amazing.


You are invited to continue
to prepare your seeds for the
kind of New Paradise Earth
you would like & place them
into the Alchemical womb here:


9-9 Prepare to Plant your New Earth SEEDs


The Creator Whales are caring for them until it is time for another planting. It is up to us to shape our New Paradise Earth. This is an ongoing process.


New Parameters – How do you Feel?

We have crossed into some powerful new levels of dimensions that have new parameters & Universal Laws that inform them. We have the opportunity to now learn to live & function in these new dimensions, higher frequencies & ground them into our bodies & then ground ourselves into the new reality. Our bodies have had some interesting challenges & symptoms of this. For the last few weeks, I lose the ability to think early in the evening & have to go to bed. We sleep long long hours & wake feeling either the bliss or still tired. Sometimes it is hard to wake up. They say that we are on ships & working with our Star friends & other aspects of ourselves & on councils at night, helping prepare things for the next events to come.


I have a hard time settling down at times with so much energy running through me in waves that I have to go outside & walk around barefoot & talk to the plants, nature spirits & Mother Earth, ground & calm down. I waver somewhere between exhaustion & ready to be done with this whole long duality-polarity process & elation; excited about where we are at & what is happening & the new that is coming in.


Wave of Love & New Energies

If you make the time to send a Wave of Love around the Earth, you might be in for a surprise. It takes very little time, no matter what else you are doing. I had a very fun idea of how to do this.

10-10-10 Crystalline Wave of Love – Free Meditation


Because we are going to be busy with theTravel Adventure Journey at 10:10am, Colin & I decided to send the Wave of Love last night. We intended to move ahead to this point in time (practicing our new omni-dimensional being skills) & sent it as I had seen. We certainly got more than we imagined from doing this. This is when we received the new golden sparkling energies through the stargate from beyond Source. Here is a little bit of the journey:

Last night Colin and I went into BETH to send a Wave of Love around the Earth and through her heart then into the stargate… We found ourselves at the Mouth of the center of the Stargate…Many beings were gathered there with us. coin began to recieve a message from the Council of One. While he was doing this suddenly some amazing energy ,which looked like tiny flecks of  sparkling gold dust came shooting out… As I breathed it into my heart, I felt a strong sensation across the back right where I would have wings if I had them. The feeling of it was very tangibel… Then I opened my crown and drew it in and it formed a halo around my head… it was very tingly and tangible…As I watched, it went into my cells… and they started looking like little black holes; tori with the gold dust halos…Then I saw it go out iand begin to permeate nto everything on Earth and pretty soon there was a cloud of it everywhere…I tracked it down the "mouth" to see where it was coming from and found that it was coming through Source but beyond…At one point I saw something added in the cloud that looked like pink rose petals… the energy filled me and I just went to sleep in a sweet cloud of it. Seems we are getting downloaded with something brand new from beyond Source….


Much love to you all during these astonishing transformational times. I can feel how much fun this is going to be tomorrow.


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Saleena Ki

About the author

Saleena Kí

Omniversal Storyteller through her Art, Photography, Music & Word who LOVES Nature, Mother Earth & Assisting us ALL to LIGHTEN UP!

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