11-11 Super Shift Wave of Love 
Benevolent Re-connection
in the Living Grid


Let’s co-create a Powerful Crystalline Wave of Love

Beaming & EN-Lighting a Live Sustainable Earth…

Establishing Paradise & Life in Harmony

Within ALL Creation


Free for everyone to participate everywhere in the world!

Every month on powerful portal days we invite you to join together in the Living Grid
& co-create our new Earth the way we desire it.


This Month

11-11-2010 Thursday

For optimum time begin at 11:11am or 11:11pm your local time

& in a multi-dimensional reality you can intend anything you like

& join when it is convenient.

If you are unfamiliar with

BETH; the Super Consciousness Living Grid

Click the link above or

see links below and familiarize yourself with her before you start

as you will enter the grid first then

qqak2c_th.gifMeditate-Visualize-Dream-Intend-Imagine & Createqqak2c_th.gif

as you fill the wave with the images & feelings of the Reality you Desire.


Here are many possibilities to inspire you

for the Wave of Love & any day:

Saleena Note: I like to share a variety of events, ideas, inspirations & resources to inspire you so you can go into your heart,  focus some of your passion into the Wave of Love and send it into BETH and around the grid, informing & shaping our new reality and all of creation. On these powerful portal days, creation seems particularly maleable and our efforts seem to be magnified. This is why I encourage everyone who cares to have a new kind of life here on our Mother Earth to participate.


BENEVOLENT Re-Connection

Are you Ready to Leave the Matrix?

Saleena Note: If this resonates with you, read up and do what you are inspired to do about it. Set your intentions if you want this. You will be guided how to proceed. We are offering a Teleseminar on 11-11 to share this with everyone who joins us. I am also channeling a Vibrakey frequency mandala that is full 7 layers of codes that are helping us move out of the old fear-based grid and into a beautiful Re-Connection with our BENEVOLENT Higher Self and Source. This will be available first to those who register for the webinar adventure.

What is BENEVOLENT RE-Connection; What is in it for YOU?


11-11 Stargate Travel Adventure – Benevolent Re-Connection – Webinar Invitation


11-11 Stargate Frequency Mandala – Help Co-Create It – Transformational Art Offer – Special Price with 11-11 Travel Adventure Registration




SUPER SHIFT!  by Soleira Green


Saleena Note: Soleira and Santari are my HEROES! They inspired me as I was awakening to a whole new level of this creation game. After taking several of their online courses, which is where I met Colin who is now part of our Omni-dimensional Travel Adventure Team,  I emerged with a whole new set of skills and a new broader way of thinking about reality. For inspiration to charge you so you can charge the Wave, visit their website, read their online WOW ezine, listen to their Recordings.


Soleira: We believe this is one of the most important times in human history.  In less than 2 decades (1996-2014), our world will have evolved beyond our wildest imaginings.  We're already seeing and feeling the shift, living in extraordinary ways with ...


*  energetic mastery -- living as quickeners and aliveners of Life,

*  telepathic communication -- understanding the depth of what someone is really wanting to say,

*  emotional zeitgeist -- energy fuel for personal and planetary transformation,

*  adventures into the miraculous -- dancing with limitless possibilities,

*  global contribution as part of our daily routine,

*  connection to amazing, wonderful people the world over,

*  an ever increasing sense of global community as people surge forward to create the NEW,

*  the knowing of ourselves as brilliant beings, co-creating a whole new world together,

*  the ability to embody high vibrational frequencies with growing ease,

*  the ability to help anyone transform graciously into their next levels,

*  the certainty that life is never ending and death a simple doorway to more,

*  a breathtaking relationship to consciousness as a collective, magical force within which we create, source and evolve,

*  and finally, a growing understanding and awe of our place in the cosmos!


If you're working to find ways to  integrate this super shift into your life, we can put grace and passionate power into that process.  If it's already fully yours, then join us in taking it further as adventurers, explorers and pioneers of a wondrously brilliant new world.

 Web Magazine: Visionary Network News; Transforming Our World

Super Shift 
A review of 2010 &  what's coming in 2011

Falling in love with the cosmos

Star Dreaming
Musings on collective vision

Next Generation Brilliance 
The awesomeness of youth


Discernment & Trusting Your Heart-Feelings

New Reality Transmission on 11-11.

Saleena Note: I received many emails asking me to join in the New Reality Transmission on 11-11. When I went to their website it looked great and sounded good, but something bothered me.  I wondered why the creators didn't want to share who they were. That alerted me. I intended to share it but it never happened. I am mentioning this because we have talked about this with our team. One member felt that it might be a way to gather emails, or maybe a way to use the stargate negatively. Another person wrote to a prominent channel and asked about it. The group they work with said it wasn't what it seemed. Something still feels off to me. Tune in. Choose with your heart. Be wise and follow what you know.

Perspective from Colin:

If a million people tune in and independently wish for the world they want, how damaging can that be? This one has so much momentum now I think your suggestion of making sure our prep work is focused and clear would be good. I think if we touch this with the frequency we have been working with, all will be well. I’ve touched into other grids that people were worried about and removed all negative energy in this way, so please only put that which you would ‘wish to be’ into this, we only need to be this new energy, all will then align. A simple alignment will be sufficient.


Saleena Note:

It is time to Be informed;

Read all you read with Discernment;

Let you heart tell you what to respond to and what to let flow by.

There are many levels of truth.

Diversity of experience is one of our greatest gifts.

There are many levels of reality

existing side by side here on Earth,

that is the beauty of this experiment.

Creator gifted us free agency,

the right to choose, to experience

myriads of forms of separation and

the illusion of no love and

now support is here to help us awaken

and to assist us to move back into

Unity and Oneness when we are ready.

The Earth herself has chosen to ascend.

That means that those who choose to stay with her

will be making choices that align with

her new higher vibrations.

More and more of the higher dimensions

are opening to us now.


I am going to share some interesting messages & reports. Many predictions have come and gone unfulfilled. Sometimes they are fulfilled and then downplayed so much by controlling media that one might not realize the fulfillment. Sometimes there is a date and that comes and goes and then later it is fulfilled. In the higher dimensions they don't quite understand time the way we experience it here. We sometimes laugh when someone says something is going to happen on a certain day or time period. Especially if they say "soon." We laugh and say, "And how many "o-s" does that sooooooooooooon have? :


FYI: Energy & Event Predictions

Clif High's webbot has made a prediction about the period Nov 8-11, 2010:


"A major tipping point will occur between November 8 – 11, 2010, followed by a 2-3 month release period. This tipping point appears to be US-centric, and could be a dramatic world-changing event like 9-11 that will have rippling after-effects. The collapse of the dollar might occur in November."




Dr. Richard Boylan: November 9. [This date is approximate, it could be Nov. 8 or 10.] This is the date that Washington will finally stop stonewalling and instead begin cooperating with the Councillor of/for Earth in jointly planning a series of Official Government Acknowledgments of Star Visitor Contacts, starting this year! While it is anticipated that Washington will want to keep these initial diplomatic dialogues private, with only White House and National Security Council officials meeting with the Star Nations delegation, you will be able to tell that these diplomatic dialogues have indeed gotten under way by the fact that the relentless massive sky displays since October 24th until then will have stopped as soon as the diplomatic dialogues have gotten started.


More Articles & Quotes from:
Fun Factory: Seriously Laughing into 5D


Click the Titles for the full articles:

Matthew Ward New Message, November 6th, 2010 (Eng. & NL)

"3. An essential aspect of any civilization’s progress out of third density is experiencing duality; realizing that its divisiveness prevents living peacefully; and ultimately reconciling differences harmoniously within communities, countries and internationally. By so doing, the peoples advance in soul growth sufficiently to enter fourth density. The intensifying light has been bringing about this realization—conscious-raising and spiritual renewal—and it will continue to do so until the last vestiges of duality end in global reconciliation..."

"5. That divisiveness must evolve into reconciliation, and as the light increases in intensity on the planet, it shall. Officeholders worldwide, from village level to national, will continue to influence the course of their respective domains only if they serve wisely with spiritual and moral integrity. Those who are motivated by ego, power or greed—and often knowingly are abetting the Illuminati—will not last long because they are bereft of light.

6. That separation of the wheat from the chaff will come about during Earth’s steady progress out of third density. Leaders who remain in position and their adherents will want to and shall bring about changes to benefit all peoples throughout your world. All wars and conflicts and cruelty will cease, unjust laws will be struck down as will all unfair policies and other negative activities, and freedom will come to those who are in bondage."

St.Germain's Invitation,11-11 Global Meditation

St. Germaine through Susan Leland: "This is about asking people what they want America to stand for, to represent, and about how America can help the rest of the world. It's about asking people what role they will create for themselves as part of their visions.  It is very important to get momentum for this going now.  The results of the elections won't stop our forward progress - let's empower it at warp speed! "The main vision to create is a world of Peace. Then, how will people be in that Peace? How will they help?  How will America help to create and maintain the Peace, not only in the world, but among individuals? Laying down the guns of war will be the easy part.  How can Peace be created among the different tribes?  Among the different religions?" 



SaLuSa November 5, 2010 (ENG & NL)

SaLuSa through Mike Quinsey: "The Creator has kept to the plan for your release from duality, so that you could become unique Beings with a full consciousness level. We will then become as One and travel the Universe as Galactic Beings."

"Each one of you has immense creative power, but few realise it or believe in their capabilities. Sometimes people of a like mind get together, and particularly where the purpose is for healing find an increase in there degree of success. Set up many groups and it gets even more powerful, until their intent is carried forward with a great thoughtform of extremely powerful energy.

Just anything can be achieved when a strong focus is directed upon the object of your thoughts.

Translate that into a countrywide movement, and you have a virtually unstoppable force for good or otherwise. In the past it has resulted in wars where one country has been pitted against another, and it has been fuelled by propaganda and hatred often generated quite falsely."




Chaotic Node:

Saleena Note: We are in one right now until the end of November and there are going to be many of them between now and the end of 2012 so you might as well be aware of what they are and how to navigate them and what amazing things can happen when you work with an awareness of what is happening while one is going one. One sure thing is that nothing will be the same by the time we get through this current series of them. Thank you Hathors for bringing our attention to what is happening and what we might do about it.

The major event the articles mention are over and the meditation to activate the pineal gland is a potent one to learn to do and do it anytime to continue opening yourself to the new dimensions.

What is a Chaotic Node, Parallel Realities & Universes & How Do We Navigate Them?

Activate the Pineal – Crystal Palace Within & Open the Halls of Amenti


Arcturian Perspective

Saleena Note:  Belees, the Arcturian has many  powerful reminders of the times we are in between 10-10-10 and 11-11. He offers an invitation to work with a team of beings who are available to specifically support those who are  inspired with ideas and plans for new technologies. New ways of approaching your planet and humanity’s need to move into sustainable technologies and solutions.

Belees: These are truly exciting times. We stand ready to share more than ever. Just communicate with us; ask us and open your hearts wide.

You can read his full message for inspiration:

10-10-10 Followup – Invitation from FTTCC – Belees

Saleena: His message reminds me of all the amazing support that is right here with us now, all the work we have already done and all the opportunities we have to participate in co-creating the reality, the Paradise Earth we desire. I am going to list all the topics of the things he talked about:

Since New Earth Sanctuary

Mother Earth’s New Crystalline Heart & Ascension

Along for the Ride…It’s a Vibrational Choice

Time to Focus; What do you Want?

Spend More Time Focused on your Ascension

Conscious Breathing & Opening your Hearts

Building Higher Dimensional Relationships

Step Through your Veils; Time for Contact
Contact Prediction, Massive Ship Sightings, October 13th

More Truth Hidden is Revealed
Nothing that is hidden will remain hidden.
It has begun and will escalate rapidly.

Mother Earth made a Major Transition.
 She is Different. Reach Out to Her. T

Timings & New Level of the Program of Contact your Veils;

Open your Super Senses

Split in Realities f

Upgrade your Health & Wellbeing
via the
Sublime Health Project

Belees: I referred to your health upgrade earlier in the transmission message. There are many ways being revealed now that support you to envision yourself stronger and younger; rejuvenating. The MIR Technique is inspired and a good way to teach yourself and your body-mind what is possible. If you feel drawn to it…try it out…see what happens.


MIR Technique

Saleena Note:  Here is an idea that would bring more of the vibration of health into the new grid. Health that you can bring to yourself by learning how to do the MIR Technique. Then during the Wave of Love,  could move into BETH and do the MIR Technique. Such a loving thing to do for your body. Then send it around the grid via the Wave of Love. This will bring it more and more into the consensus consciousness.


Activate your Crystal Palace-Pineal
A Hall of Amenti is Within YOU!


10-10-10 Crystalline Stargate
 Journey Mandala & Using It


Belees: Study the Codes from Beyond Source. Study the new codes and frequencies pouring in through the Stargate from Beyond Source. These contain new potential and possibilities that have newly entered this creation. Align yourself with these frequencies by studying them, meditating into them and you will be the vehicles to bring forth the newest light (information) into this world, and into this creation.


Energetic Gifts


You are One of the
Greatest Gods you will Meet


OM Frequencies


Closure of your
Study of Separation & All that is Not Love


Move into BETH- She Makes it Easier -
You must be in your heart to move into her.
We Will Meet You There


New Light Shining from You

Belees: This new light is shining forth
from every cell of your bodies
and cannot be ignored anymore nor denied
as the level of light increases
so does the ability to deny truth.

Get ready… more truth is to come very quickly.


We surround you in love and
it is by opening that you will receive it.


New Project; FTTCC
& Invitation to Participate

Belees: We are organizing a new project
and extending an invitation now.
It is especially involving those
who are inspired with
ideas and plans for new technologies.

New ways of approaching
your planet and humanity’s need
to move into
sustainable technologies and solutions.

We are organizing to invite you
into a more
intimate circle of
assistance and support.

I am speaking now in behalf of our

newly assembled team; FTTCC

 and we await your invitations.