Joyspring-7 Gates of Creation


 Opening the 7 Gates of Creation 

  Hosted by Metatron  

Opening & Co-Creation

Journaling by
Mary Angelico


May 22, 2013 (My daughter Rachel’s Birthday) 



The Beginning:


Metatron to Mary Angelico:  This will be different than the Mother’s realm, though not disconnected.  The Mothers work with the smoothing, the finesse; we work with the setting up and sustaining of new structure.  This is a back up.  Mother stepped down.  We are asking you to back up.  Back up to fundamentals, building blocks, sound current and structure that will help create new form in thought and in the emotional body.  Jennifer will be a great help in this arena.  You will go further with more success if you OPEN YOUR MIND.  Start at “square one” we shall say.

This is an exploration as well, into new frequency for you- solfeggio and beyond.  Set up recording in ways that are new.  Seek not to control but to be an experience of open exploration.  The seven days are symbolic of the sacred geometry of creation- seven segments.  There will be art that also attends this creation.  It is a field.  You will play in this field. 

Michael White has been called to add something in, for he is the “keyper” of the keys of major understanding and he is on your team.  See how I move him and you and all who are called to participate.  It was Michael (Archangel) the jokester aspect, that had your emails outgoing and incoming back to back. I got an impulse to first read Michael’s newest blog called “Tips for Connecting with the Archangels” and then got a strong impulse to ask him for a reading, also proposing a barter trade. 

I hesitated, as I was not sure what he might think about such a proposal, but finally sent the email, and right after I did an email popped into my inbox titled “Michael White's new title, and other updates from your network” and down further in the email it said this:  “Michael White is now offering Readings by Phone or by Skype at Readings by Saryon.”  The clock time on the two emails was 1:02 and 1:03!)  

It is a sign for you to know your ideas are known and your actions synchronized.  Surrender to this field.  We shall call it a new name.  What comes to mind?

Mary:  The field of…. DREAMS MADE MANIFEST!

Metatron:  Yes.  Now go to your space of quiet within.  There is to be a download.  Ready… set!


(I felt a huge wave of energy coming in.  After awhile I started getting ideas and feelings around the words “Let there be Light…. Let there be water…  Let there be land…” and also associated affirmations and capacities like “I see!” in connection to the declaration of creation of light, or “I feel” in association with water…  Things like that.  Interesting!)


Then I got an impulse to go back to Michael’s site and listen to an interview that he was on about a week or so ago.  Here’s what stood out that seemed to apply to this project:

“Let’s just place the book (CD in my case) into the field…”  He was speaking to a woman who had a book but was not getting help with getting it looked at or out into the world.  He said that he perceived in her at the heart chakra level, a weakness of not totally feeling her worth.  It was a timing issue, also, he said- “you are very worthy of this support, but a strengthening is needed on the heart chakra level.”  (I felt a resonance with this “diagnosis!”)

Also:  “The book (CD) is for people to come into your field…  Trust in the Divine timing of your work.”

So I decided to clear off  my alter and make an open and empty and welcoming space for the angels and their angelic guidance.  I put up a blank canvas, a blank book given to me from Sherry with paper made from the Himalayas, an open box with a sticker inside that has the words “Thank You” and an angel on it, some essential oil of White Fir, sparkles…  The Rose Ray Grid, a carefully placed white feather, a new small crystal from Sherry, a hematite grounding ring from Saleena, a book given to me by Tonnie (following a prompt she felt) entitled “The Encyclopedia of Angels, Spirit Guides & Ascended Masters,” and finally a blank piece of paper in an open envelope. 

I prayed and invited all the Angels and Masters and beings that want to be part of this to come and join the circle.  I got a strange impression that I wasn’t responding to their desires for the creation of this music, but that they were gathering for my desire.  Somehow I am the one who has started this creation, although it seemed like I was just responding.  So I choose to take full responsibility and know it is something my soul wants to play with and explore- and I fully committed myself to the process.

And so it begins- Day 1 of the 7 Days of Creation.  Actually I started wanting to call it the 7 GATES instead.  So there it is- the SEVEN GATES OF CREATION.  I decree the beginning of this new adventure! 


June 8th, 2013


The 7 Gates of Creation

My Prayer:

In Your Light is the seeing…

In Your Current is the hearing…

In your Love is the feeling…

From your Fertile Ground springs ideas…

From Your Curiosity comes exploration…

From Your Joy comes expression…

From this Communion comes sharing….
















The first three are INPUT or SEEDING;


The last three are OUTPUT or BIRTHING




Jennifer Lovejoy  8:43 AM (1 hour ago)

Mary Note: Jennifer is co-creating with me. She is an intuitive musician.

I was guided to call on Archangel Sandalphon this morning – interesting re his connection with music.  He/She might be a good one to invoke to start our process. 

Archangel Sandalphon helps you with sound healing, through musical tones and tonalities.

Meet Archangel Sandalphon

Love and Joy,



Mary Angelico: *Before I opened these links I picked up my Angel book given to me by Tonnie.  I had it laying on my alter that I have dedicated to this project/process of JOYSPRING, OPENING THE 7 GATES.  The book fell open to “ENOCH.”  The first line says:  “Enoch will help you…”

I actually gasped when I read the first line below and saw the link between Enoch and Metatron.  I have not been able to feel anything about Metatron, as the name seems to remind me of some mechanical robot in a boy movie!  But to realize that it is my beloved Enoch- well, that’s a completely different story altogether!


Archangel Sandalphon

"When I introduced Archangel Metatron I mentioned that there are two Archangels which experienced human life. One was Patriarch Enoch raised by God to the Heavens while still alive and transformed into Archangel Metatron.

The other one was the Prophet Elijah who was carried to the Heavens in a burning chariot by a whirlwind, while still alive.Then he became Archangel Sandalphon, "twin brother" of Archangel Metatron, because both of them were human at origin. And this twin brotherhood gave them also the "on" particula at the end of their names, instead of "el" as in the case of all the other Archangels (i.e. Ariel, Jophiel, Gabriel, Michael). They are very special Archangels.

In the Tree of Life, Archangel Sandalphon is the 10th Sephirah, representing Malkut (Shekinah), the God's Presence in the World.

When we talk about Archangel Sandalphon, we think of a clear water with a refreshing aqua – turquoise color, an invigorating breeze offering inner peace.When you are nervous or tensioned just imagine this cooling turquoise breeze surrounding you and giving you inner peace. Call Sandalphon as often as you can.

Archangel Sandalphon helps you with sound healing, through musical tones and tonalities.

Allow Sandalphon to adjust your spiritual frequency and your DNA to higher levels, through the power of music.

You can ask Archangel Sandalphon to guide you through the music sounds, in order to increase your vibration level.

Archangel Sandalphon is also a messenger for us, carrying our prayers to God and bringing us His answers, in various forms. When you have worries or fears, just visualize a form for them (give them any form comes to your mind) and put these forms on a silver plate that Sandalphon is keeping in front of you. Ask him to undertake your issue and just leave it to him, without worrying how your issue will be solved or how your prayer will be answered. You will just let the Divine Intelligence, Wisdom and Creativity to work for you, to solve your problem.The answers to your prayers may take many forms: you can hear words repeatedly; you may have repetitive thoughts, feelings, dreams or signs. Just be open and you will understand the answers to your prayers.

Very often I ask Archangel Sandalphon to choose for me the right music I need for relaxation, healing or meditation. The music in general can help you to be more relaxed, to use breathing techniques according to the rhythms of the nature or of the water, to connect to your spiritual guides or to meditate deeper.

OUR JOB:  In general, the special musical sounds are created by special gifted people working through channeling with higher entities and trying to transpose in accessible notes that divine music they perceive from the celestial worlds.

Ask Archangel Sandalphon to guide you to the right sounds…"

2nd link:

Meet Archangel Sandalphon

"Sandalphon means "co-brother," which refers to Sandalphon's status as the spiritual brother of the archangel Metatron. Other spellings of his name include Sandalfon and Ophan (Hebrew for "wheel," which refers to ancient people's identification of Sandalphon as one of the living creatures with spiritual wheels from a vision recorded in Ezekiel chapter 1 of the Bible).

Sandalphon is known as the angel of music, as well as an angel of prayer… He rules over music in heaven. Sandalphon also receives the prayers of people on Earth when they arrive in heaven, and he then weaves the prayers into spiritual flower garlands to present to God, according to the liturgy for the Jewish Feast of Tabernacles. People sometimes ask for Sandalphon's help to deliver their prayers and songs of praise to God, and to learn how to use their God-given talents to make the world a better place. Sandalphon is said to have lived on Earth as the prophet Elijah before ascending to heaven and becoming an archangel, just as his spiritual brother, Archangel Metatron, lived on Earth as the prophet Enoch before becoming a heavenly archangel.

Symbols:  In art, Sandalphon is often depicted playing music, to illustrate his role as the patron angel of music. Sometimes Sandalphon is also shown as an extremely tall figure, since Jewish tradition says that the prophet Moses had a vision of heaven in which he saw Sandalphon, whom Moses described as being very tall.

Energy Color:  Red

Role in Religious Texts:  Sandalphon rules one of the seven levels of heaven, according to religious texts — but they don't agree on which level. The ancient Jewish and Christian non-canonical Book of Enoch says that Sandalphon rules over the third heaven, the Islamic Hadith says that Sandalphon is in charge of the fourth heaven, and the Zohar (a sacred text for Kabbalah) names the seventh heaven as the place where Sandalphon leads other angels."


Mary:  I talked to Jennifer after reading this information.  The name Sandalphon came to her in meditation.  She had never heard of it before.  On looking it up she saw that it linked to Elijah, with whom she had an experience in the past with.  In Syria she went to what was believed to be the site where Elijah was lifted up.  She said there was a great feeling of profound power.  Since then she felt a connection somehow to Elijah

I told her how I didn’t relate to “Metatron” but upon finding a link to Enoch, I now have the connection there.  As they are denoted as “twins” in their work- we decided that we each now have a guide in this project/process of the Seven Gates.  So it begins! 

Also, after we met yesterday and I was prompted to do some energy work on her, she said that she felt so much better, that all of the pain she was having in her upper back and neck was gone.  So there is a support there for us- healing and blessing us as we begin to surrender into this great adventure!