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CAST YOUR VOTE – Easy Creation Technique & 11-11-11 Power Point

11-11-11 is Nearly Here

Saleena: So much has already been shared about the potential of this time period and here we are in it RIGHT NOW! We are 3 days until leaving our beloved island Paradise and setting forth into , for me, complete unknown…


I am grateful to my friends, Ginger and Joe Noonan for sending these quick insights… very nicely shared. Casting Your Vote is a nice easy way to empower yourself to co-create right now what you want when it is easier than ever to manifest your focus and thoughts.


I also acknowledge the numerous exciting magical synchronisities that are occuring in my life now. The Universe is serving me things I need before I know why I need them. It has been delightful to discover just what I need sitting there waiting for me to notice I need it… I am grateful for this kind of phenomenon.


11:11:11 is Coming!


Joe: In a few weeks, spiritual groups the world over will be gathering to celebrate the date of 11:11. It is a number that has been showing up in people's awareness for decades now, even Ellen DeGenerous has named her new record company 11:11. (How many times have you just happened to look at the clock at exactly 11:11?)


11:11 is synonymous with humanity's collective awakening. With millions of people focusing on that time and date, a LOT of loving energy will be generated around the world!


The 11:11 is a HUGE opportunity to deepen our connection to our individual and collective awakening… remember…


"Joy is the most infallible sign

of the presence of God."

-Teilhard de Chardin


Joe Noonan




Ginger: Things are feeling more and more exciting towards many changes. And we have all been assisting in ways we are not even aware of yet. But one easy very powerful way to consciously assist that I have been trying out comes from Inelia Benz,


(whom was sent directly from Divine Source to help divinely-relocate the very darkest Illuminati, those masters of the darkest arts, which she & others accomplished by June  

See Ascension 101 for more           


Below is How to Cast your own Divine Vote from Inelia.


         In addition to what she doesn't say below but has said in a teleconference, is that when you see something you do not agree with happening, do not bother judging it, but simply vote as she outlines below. And after you vote, release all attachments to the outcome. Just give it up to The Source of whatever you do not agree with, and then forget about it . . . as they say," it's no longer any of your business"


Saleena Note: Judgment seems to be one action that assist energy in getting stuck. Here is some insight and an another antedote to use for this: Move Massive Energy


Ginger: And I have found that in this way, I more easily stay in a heart love-based high vibrational state, and I am acting from a place of my own human divine-right, therefore in human sovereignty – that is mostly cleanly heard and seen by the Heavens or Source.


            Many blessings of Love & Light to each of you,




Cast Your Vote: Inelia Benz


"The most important thing to remember, is that whatever happens on the planet, or in your life, cannot happen if you do not agree with it. And everything that happens, happens because you either agree with it, or do not cast a vote.


It is not up to me to decide how fast we remove the shadows and step fully into the new, higher vibrational, reality. Why wait 3 generations when we could have it in 3 months?  We decide. We decide what we agree with and what we don't agree with.


We all cast our vote.


So here is what we do, here is how we cast our vote:


Choose a person, situation, location, personal topic, or worldwide event, that you do not agree with. Then, draw a red circle around it with a red line across it, saying the words, "I do not agree with this". 


Next, visualize what you would like to see, what you do agree with, and place a green tick next to it.


It is very, very simple, and quick. So much so, that one might think it is not life changing, but it is.  Try it.  Try it with the big things, and the little things. Use it every day, and watch (without attachment). 


What do you have to lose by trying it out?




– Inelia Benz

About the author

Saleena Kí

Omniversal Storyteller through her Art, Photography, Music & Word who LOVES Nature, Mother Earth & Assisting us ALL to LIGHTEN UP!