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Live in PARADISE EARTH NOW – August Cosmic Events – Guided Journey & Free Gift

Saleena: The message that comes to me

again and again is that it is time to live

in and on Paradise Earth or New Earth NOW!


To begin to speak, act, think,

and respond as if I live here now.



I thank Soluntra King for this very insightful calendar of information and guidance about the power days in August.


Today is already the New Moon and Marimar's Birthday Anniversary. Everyday brings in new energies.


We have been working with a new group of beings, the Azez and their stone, Azeztulite. Co-creating a new Vibrakey portal to the great Central Sun, Kolob. So many stones and crystals are assisting… this is going to be an amzing design and bridge you to some powerful energies.


Everyday brings in new information.


Everyday we are shifting and changing so rapidly in our bodies and our consciousness I can barely get things together enough to post something, so I am glad this is going to take you through August.


I notice that she doesn't mention August 8th, so I will add something in another blog before the 8th about one of my favorite days to journey into the Omni-dimensions when the 8-8 Sirian Lion's Gate opens…


July 31st

NEW MOON IN LEO  7.15 Degrees

NZ 6.40am   AUST EST 4.40am   

GMT 6.40pm 30th JULY


The New Moon is always the time to go within, to the inner planes and parts of us that are hidden, it is also the seed of the new beginning.



The Moon and Sun are one at a New Moon so it is a powerful time of union on all levels and with the inner male and female also. 


In Leo we are opening our heart and aligning with divine will, trusting and surrendering in unconditional love.



Allowing ourself to be from our Source within

as the Sun is also in Leo

we are going into deeper depths of our love

and given the opportunity to come from the

radiant Sun of our true self to unify


love our pain that comes from believing in separation.



We illuminate from our heart,

from the radiant Sun of our true self

as it illuminates our physical body

and every cell opens to its divinity.



As it illuminates out into our Etheric Body,

our Emotional Bodies,

our Mental Bodies,

out through our Spiritual Bodies as we are

One Body of Light from the Source within us.


MAYAN CALENDAR DAY; 2 (polarize, co-operation, challenge of duality) BLUE (West – energise, transforms) MONKEY  – CHEUN (transparency, cosmic joke, spontaneity, artistry)








Returning Light – Candlemas – Imbolc  








The Spring quarter and the coming of fertility and crops. The growth aspect of the Goddess, the quickening Goddess, at time for woman, birthing ceremonies and the veneration of the Holy Wells.







The Autumn Festival when the crops are harvested, the second quarter of the year waning to midwinter and contemplation of death.



A time of remembrance & the

sacred union of female & male.



MAYAN CALENDAR DAY; 3 (rhythm, creativity, integration, sacred trinity) RED (East – electrifies, initiates) ALLIGATOR- IMIX  ( source of life, birth, nurturing, nourishment, trust)






The Earth is showing us where we are at and it's pretty obvious that there is a lot of anger; volcanoes exploding and emotional turmoil with all the tornadoes in places never before been, as well as worse ever ones in places that do have them. Great hurricanes and the gulf stream changes, the floods of grief and tears, the earthquakes to break through the old mind sets.



For some of us, we are constantly aware of our thoughts,

emotions and words and love and accept any imbalance

and so create health in our bodies and light and flow in our lives,

but still so many cannot see this.



We are at the edge of the precipice and the choice is ours,

we have been given so many opportunities to heal

and unify and to awaken.



The information is there for all to receive who choose,

but still it's the denial and fear by many.



For those who choose its about trusting from the heart

and stepping into the void,

your property and possessions,

your bank account, new toys and superannuation fund

are not going to do it for you.



It can, has and possibly will be taken away from so many

in the blink of an eye it's all gone.


The big thing is to breathe into the fear

until it no longer exists.



There is only love and fear as corny as that sounds, its true

 and we have the choice at any time to choose.



We have been so programmed and got caught in the illusion and the victim and victimiser game that only feeds the ones who choose to not own their inner Light. But we can stop playing the game right now and if you have not already, then the light and energies support you with love as your heart calls out for you to listen to the reality of who you really are.



It's not difficult to do,

 the secret is in the breathe and with the
awareness of the words love and accept

we come from the Source within.



All pain is only separation from the source within

and we can deep breathe into the pain as well

until all the pain and fear are gone,

it's so much easier to do now than ever before.



Never think you are a failure as there is no such thing as failure, or beat yourself up for what you think were missed opportunities, all is perfect and just is, and there is No Time, just the stillness within that you feel and come from once you connect through your breath and love and acceptance.



There is also no death but simply changing into another form, the name of the game is to love yourself no matter what your past or present, you are simply having an experience to understand matter and as you love and accept it, it becomes Light.


There is a big shift happening on this day and

 there are light codes coming to assist those who have felt stuck

 until now to be able to connect to your inner light and

have the inner strength to let go of your fears and attachments.


Give yourself this day to go within

and breathe into your fears and judgments.



Be aware of what's still holding you back.



It does not mean you go and sell your house or leave your job, but look at the underlying fears of why you need all these things that you think give you your security.



The physical takes care of itself when we have done our inner work,

once you have loved your fears

then the abundance of light and life comes to you automatically,

you do not need to try and manifest or put out for what you want,

what you need comes to you.


Its time to lighten up as we are rearranging our molecules

really fast now just like our Mother Earth

as she rearranges her landscape and her insides come out

to bless us with ash and dust,

with the sacred waters as they flow from the sky

or wash in from the sea to cleanse just like we do

when we cry or have a shower.


The water, earth, fire and air are talking to us inside and out.


Realise this is a time of great blessings,

not the end or disaster but a change for the better

as we move into higher light.


We just need a bit of a shake up to do it,

but if we do our inner work then

 we do not need to experience the shake up,

no matter what's happening around us

we will be in the calm and stillness that comes from within.



MAYAN CALENDAR DAY;  7 (connection with source, mystical attunement, sacred) YELLOW (South – ripens, allows) OWL – CIB (Cosmic consciousness, divine communication, inner voice, grace, trust)




August 8th

8-8 Sirian Lion's Gate

Added by Saleena

This is a time when a stargate or portal opens called the Sirian Lion's Gate.  Stargates open when certain astrological bodies and energetic currents align with Earth. it is a great time to create a project to do or to journey into the stargate-portal and explore. I will share some of my explorations and the art that resulted from my journeys into this stargate in the next blog message.   



Back to Soluntra: 



20.41 degrees

 NZ 6.58am   AUST EST 4.48aam   

GMT 6.58pm 15th AUGUST


The Full Moon is a time of completion and celebration,

in Aquarius we can create new ways of thinking and being.


We are given the opportunity to look at others and

 the world in love and as a sister/brotherhood, we are all one.

We can use this loving energy to create new ways of being for ourself,

moving beyond the limitations of duality and separation.


Where in our own life can we create a more

unified, humanitarian approach

to the way we are and what we do?


As we unify our greatest service to humanity

is in our Being ness as we become the example of

true love and acceptance of all and

are free to create exciting new ways of living, working and co-creating.


We create Heaven on Earth through our l

ove and unified essence of Being.


MAYAN CALENDAR DAY; 3 (rhythm, creativity, integration, sacred trinity) RED (East – electrifies, initiates) SERPENT- CHICCHAN (life force, serpent power, intimacy, instinct)



AUGUST 12th-13th 



This Meteoroid Shower can be seen from July 23 – August 22. This year's shower should peak on the night of August 12 and the morning of the 13th, but you may be able to see some meteors any time The radiant point for this shower will be in the constellation Perseus. For best viewing, look to the northeast after midnight.
. On the peak shower there is about 60 meteors an hour.

MAYAN CALENDAR DAY 12th AUGUST; 1 (unity, unconditional love, new beginnings)  BLUE (West – energise, transforms) HEARTH  – AKBAL (stillness, inner-self, dreamtime, serenity)

MAYAN CALENDAR DAY 13th AUGUST; 2 (polarize, co-operation, challenge of duality) YELLOW (South – ripens, allows) LIZARD – KAN (seed, creation, flowering awareness)



AUGUST 13th  



A stargate is an opening in the heavens

that brings through to the Earth plane

a higher frequency of certain energies

when humanity is ready to receive them

to assist in the raising of consciousness.



It can be through one Star, a constellation of Stars,

a planet or an even bigger doorway

between different Star Systems and even planets.



When a Stargate is opened it is when humanity is

ready to move through the doorway into a

higher frequency of their divinity.



Stargates are opened when their particular energies

are relevant for another shift in consciousness.



When we come into the earth plane through birth or walk in

we also come through a Stargate

 that holds the particular frequencies we work with.



You may want to tune into the Stargate you came through

as it will be an expression of the gift you are,

and the loving service you share.










As you open up to your transformations,

the Light Being you are shinning so bright,

 there is no more hiding your light,

its shinning too bright and

if you have not already owned it then now is the time.



Guided Journey
Sun & Inner Earth Sun

Marriage of Heaven & Earth


If you feel too, come on a journey by connecting first

to the outer Suns and the Sun in the Inner Earth.

 breathing deeply as you go within.


Deeper and deeper into your Heart centre.

aware of the radiant Star glowing soft warm light

that starts to glow through your body……



As you allow it to shine through your cells

and out through your etheric body,

emotional and mental bodies, spiritual bodies

until the soft glow illuminates you from the Star that you are…….



As you bring your focus back to your centre and move into the light….

as you sense a doorway and step through and into a tunnel of light.



The tunnel of light takes you out into the Stars and

you know that you are a Star shinning bright in the Heavens……



Shining prisms of light that glow and shine

 right to the Earth and into you as you stand on the Earth…..



You open your heart to receive the light from the heavens

 that you shine to Earth as the doorway in your heart is open.

 the glow radiates out and down into the Earth

as it travels through the Earth and

into the Star/Sun that is there inside the Earth…..



As this happens you are aware

that the centre of the Earth that is a Star

is also shining through the Heavens within you

the bright Star.



Heaven and Earth are one through you

and the stargate you are is open.



You have married Heaven and Earth and

now as the star that you are you create the New Earth

as the light codes are from within you.



MAYAN CALENDAR DAY; 2 (polarize, co-operation, challenge of duality)YELLOW (South – ripens, allows) LIZARD – KAN (seed, creation, flowering awareness)






The blue planet will be at its closest approach to Earth. This is the best time to view Neptune, although it will only appear as a tiny blue dot in all but the most powerful telescopes.



AUGUST 22nd 




This is a day for a link up of hearts and consciousness.

Please see for more details.



The most powerful form of healing

is to see and acknowledge the

person, country, world as already

healed, whole, loving and at peace.



By doing this we connect through our

 divine Source within us to all others and

move beyond duality and fear

seeing the divine reality that really exists and

so allowing the person, country, world to be it.



MAYAN CALENDAR DAY; 11 (change, letting go, freedom) RED (East – electrifies, initiates) CANE  – BEN (time/space traveller, skywalker, angelic messenger, new directions)


AUGUST  23rd 


30 Degrees Leo


This means Regulus is sighted before the Sun on this day. Regulus is the brightest star in constellation of Leo and the Sphinx was aligned to it in the Age of Leo opposite Aquarius.


The star essence  is;

 “I am the bounty and abundance of

God’s glory and gifts,

a heart full of Divine Love and Joy,

the eternal flow from Source.

The return of your strength through love,

your Golden Self and the Golden Age,

the light of Source illuminates and aligns you”. 


MAYAN CALENDAR DAY; 12 (stability in expansion, union of polarities)       WHITE (North – refines, detached) JAGUAR – IX  (shaman/magician, timelessness, divine will, integrity)




AUGUST  29th 


5.27 Degrees

NZ 3-04pm     AUST EST  1.04pm    GMT 3.04pm



The New Moon is always the time to go within,

to the inner planes and parts of us that are hidden.



It is also the seed of the new beginning and

when the Sun and the Moon are One.



The Moon and Sun are one at a New Moon

so it is a powerful time of union on all levels

and with the inner male and female also.


In Virgo we get the opportunity to go within to work on our health on all levels and it is a good time to make steps towards doing some positive things for your body and well being.


Virgo is also of service and where we serve our self and others lovingly and from the purity of our heart?


In the esoteric sense it is also the Christ energy so with the Sun and Moon both in Virgo you can access your divine self, the selfless being who has no agenda but pure Being.



Much can be achieved on this New Moon in your journey to

 unity, selfless service, surrender and peace within

and for all creation.


Open to your Celestial home and allow yourself to be

open to your Hearts hidden depths and the

Source where your essence gains its sustenance.


Know that you are not alone but one with all creation,

allow yourself to flow freely through

all your filaments of Light and for the

Light of your true self to radiate through your being.


This is also a time to do any deep inner healing

and to love unconditionally yourself and all beings.


Gaining compassion and a sense of selflessness

in loving service to humanity by being the

divine aspect you are from within.


In order to really serve humanity and have compassion for others

we need to be from our divine self and see it in all humanity,

as a living Christ seeing yourself and others as already healed and divine.




With the energies of the Sun and Moon in Virgo the Earth Goddess and nurturer, time of new seeds planted or harvest depending on what hemisphere you live.



The time of bounty and abundance of

the gifts our mother gives,

with gratitude in our hearts we

open the doorway to the New Earth.



There have been many light workers and light beings

working to anchor the New Earth for many years now,

and it is here for all of us,

but the doorway is through the heart and in Love and peace.



Now is the time for all humanity to awaken to the

reality of the New Earth

and to acknowledge that we create it right now.


See yourself there in the New Earth and

 how you live and function.


 It may seem that it’s in your future

but in the stillness, in no time where all is manifest,

it is now.


You choose it with each moment;

how you think, feel, act.

If it’s in love and service,

compassion and allowing

then you are in the New Earth.


If you still have trouble being in the loving essence of your true self then ask the Goddess, the Devi, the Mother to help you now to feel the love in your heart, and accept yourself in all your prisms, dimensions and worlds as you are, with unconditional love and acceptance. As you ask to feel the love in your heart and allow it to grow and shine.


Please read about the New Earth


At this time the energies of the Sun and Moon are utilized and infused in love vibrations from the Greater Central Sun to assist the doorway opening, this is the next step in becoming co-creators consciously creating the New Earth.


How do you see the New Earth?


The energies of the New Earth;

being higher dimensional naturally express

harmony, beauty, radiant and light.

Whether you are able to get to a vortex or portal for the day or in your sacred space you may wish to come on a

Journey with Rainbow Dragon

that assists us to awaken to the New Earth.



MAYAN CALENDAR DAY;  5 (centre, core purpose, acceptance) YELLOW (South – ripens, allows) LIGHT – AHAU (Sun, Enlightenment, unconditional love)



Permission is given to copy and redistribute these Cosmic Events on the trust that the contents remain complete,
all credit is given to the author and it is freely distributed.




Copyright ©  2010 2011 Soluntra King
PO Box 11 Whakatane, Bay of Plenty. 3158 
New Zealand



GIFT:  Free Book




Two friends of mine Karthik and  Kavitha have just completed a wonderful book on the shift in cycle and it is available free and in PDF download from their website

About the author

Saleena Kí

Omniversal Storyteller through her Art, Photography, Music & Word who LOVES Nature, Mother Earth & Assisting us ALL to LIGHTEN UP!