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Visit to Library Planet – Sharing Ideas to Shape Life on New Paradise Earth

Saleena: Life has been on fast forward for months now. So many light projects and Vibrakey co-creations going on I hardly have time to walk around and be in my body. When I do it mostly feels wonderful with much buzzing and tingling and new energies. When I touch into higher frequencies via one of our Omni-D Adventures or co-creating with a group of higher dimensional beings, I always feel my body affected in some way by the higher energies and then eventually I am releasing some more of the old densities, freeing me to more and more live in joy, creativity, co-creation and happiness for many reasons. At the least, happiness for no reason.

I find myself so busy I don’t have much time to wallow in or act out the old patterns that are rising to be released. I use the many Useful Techniques to clear them and keep preparing my body-mind-spirit for the new energies and when I can’t do it myself, I have a wonderful loving support team that helps. I have been oncall steadily for a week co-creating a new Vibrakey design that connects us to the energy of the Great Central Sun Kolob, the Azez and the Nameless Light. It has been delightful to get to know them and learn more about these marvelous crystalline beings and their dedication to us on Earth and their offerings to us.

The new design with be called something like ^^VK92 Great Central Sun-Kolob-Portal-Azez-Solar Plexus Upgrade-144 Crystals & Stones-Ascension Support. 144 crystals and stones are workign toghether to create the energies surrounding this portal getting us ready to receive more and more of the pure Source Creator light.

Two weeks before the Cosmic Wave hit the planet on the 18th-19th through the Equinox, we had been workign to create a filter to help soften and channel this powerful cosmic energies. We were done with it and our friends, The Founders, decided to take us on a very fun journey. As I prepared the transcript and renewed my connection with these amazing beings… I was smiling and laughing and enjoying them as if it were hapening again…

Here is our Omni-D Travel Adventure

experience for your Enjoyment: 

2011-06-10 The Founders Take us to New Library Planet to meet New Beings and experience their way of life to share into our Paradise Earth Template. Met an Artist who co-creates New Life forms. AtMan receives two new crystals. Seeds for interstellar travel.

Players: Colin Whitby, Saleena Ki, Marimar, The Founders, AtMan, Belees, the Arcturian, Planet Agar, The Guardians; Janook, She-reir-stra & Jah ah non of the Albrighton Tribe, and unguahnta, the Artist,


Begin 7:24:48 PM HT


Saleena: Today the whole day was about organizing and getting the transcripts ready to share on the blog: Here is Phase 2 – Timeline Jumping – Mixing a New Essence to Create Cosmic Wave Filter


Saleena: Funny as soon as I got that one up something very deep in me relaxed and I could actually go outside and do some gardening… so beautiful to walk around barefoot and just soak in the Nature and send them all love…talking to flowers and devas… was so nourishing… I say this month has really been intense…


7:27:14 PM HT Colin: Yes indeed, intense describes it for sure


Saleena: Also getting to a point where we are pretty decided we are leaving and that it will be in about 3-4 months… that gave me a container to operate in again…so now I can easier make choices about what to do and what to leave… already I know where some of my flowers are going and we believe we are going to leave Brandy at least for a while because the first 6 months we may not be in a new home…we will be traveling and visiting family and letting the magic unfold… on the mainland USA… that is what I know right now…


Saleena: Aloha Colin… how are you?


Colin: Pretty good, was sleepy yesterday but felt really connected. Haven’t felt like writing more yet tho, maybe that will come later


Saleena: Was just checking in to see if there is anythign to do now at the Paradise Earth site….


Saleena: Yes, the New Masculine interview might be a good topic to stimulate one of your articles since you are a seed for it….


Colin: Shall we connect and go check?


Saleena: Shall we touch in? Yesterday we were sharing the kind of energy Braco shares… Source… yes,, let’s take a look…. and while we journey I will open my heart to me and to you…. touching the new essence in our cells…


Colin: Yes, I need to go back and answer your questions, still on my to do list…ok touching your hand, and gazing…instant deep flow


Saleena: They might be questions the whole world is waiting for?


As we are traveling along I saw The Founders over there and heard they have something slightly different in mind for us right now… see over there?


They want to take us to a planet where they are living more like we are dreaming in….seemed like they thought we could use a vacation from the intensities here… and maybe some encouragement in seeing some of what we want in action….


Colin: Nice, I’ve been ‘remembering’ how we are founders this week too


Where are we going?


Saleena: Well I haven’t seen us in awhile…aloha! They are showing us the way…se come this way they say… and there is a nice moving wall of colors, seem like the one Marimar found the picture of..with greens and yellows and pinks and blues…. moving around like the surface of a pond in the wind…rippling…


I feel like the way is through it… like walk or float through it….here take my hand… I will float you through….it is beautiful!


On the other side there are two beings…seems like one for each of us…like guides, and maybe they are aspects of ourself….


Colin: ok


Saleena: I am holding out my hand to the one that seems to be there for me…. and a warm energy spreads through me when I take the hand…not sure if they are gendered… seem more androgynous…


I invited Marimar and he said maybe they were taking us to ShayELZa yet I feel this is somewhere new…


Colin: Felt mine just kind of merge, like they are separate but part of us too


Saleena: The being I am with is suggesting it would be far easier if we merged… I am checking to see if it is right for me….well we are on the same track! LOL…by the way, have I told you how much I dearly love and appreciate you?


Is amazing how big wide open that blasts my heart when I feel this way I share with you… thank you… you are so loved….


I am seeing something odd…like there are these little vehicles that are very purple and smell like grapes… and they are on  a track and we are getting into them, like at an amusement park….


Colin: You, too, so grateful to be seen in this way….cool,


Saleena: I am going to say this just for the record that I am interested in experiencing things that are in alignment with my whole souls highest purpose and mission…. the little “car’ seems to be live… it is giggling…


Very cute and endearing being…. we are going very slow yet I sense we are moving very fast…or far…without much sensation of movement…


Colin: Yes it’s kind of pleased to see us.


7:49:12 PM HT Marimar: Aloha


Saleena: we are beginning to move through a kind of country side… very green rolling hills and unicorn like beings grazing in them… lovely…


Reminds me of Venus when we visited during the beginning of the Temple of Anuenue and the Venus-Earth Reconnection…. aloha… hop in… this is actually very fun….


Marimar: Rather like one of those miniature trains that takes visitors through a park


Saleena: Yes… scenery is already starting to roll by… very lovely air temperature….


Colin: Same feeling as being in our ships, similar technology not that the word technology describes organic structures


Saleena: Doesn’t seem to be creating any sensation of wind as we move…


Marimar: I enjoy the slow pace; I think the rhythm of the “wheels” is part of the experience…helps move us deeper into the landscape.


Saleena: It is wonderful to experience so many different kinds of ways to create transportation…. it is very casual and relaxing…


The sky is more aqua than earth…. similar tones yet more greenish blue….even some white clouds…. billowy ones… is there sun shining? seems that the light is more diffused… no direct sunlight that I can see…


Marimar: I wondered if this was a “real” planet or a simulation. Someone winked at me when I thought that.  Maybe at some level there is no difference.


Is that Belees in the next car?


Colin: I see many types of plant and tree with so much fruit and seeds ripening, ready to harvest


Saleena: Well let’s consider it an opportunity to see what a planet that is like what we are creating is like… they said it is not Earth though….


I just had the thought I would like to taste some and the vehicle slows to a stop… it seems way up in the air so do we float or fly or how do we get to the trees?

Someone said “Think it…”


Marimar: Now I seem to be outside of the vehicle, standing in a grove of trees.


Saleena: I am looking to see where I want to go… what is there… a sort of grove… with rather big trees…


Colin: There are people tending the crops like those in Findhorn, loving them and working with the devas.


Marimar: Fruit trees, with long tendrils reaching down that carry berries.


Saleena: I sense all kinds of animal life in it and around in the grove….I am asking if they are good for me to eat and they said exquisitely so….


Marimar: It seems you tell the tree telepathically what you want, and it offers you a berry.


Saleena: The vines are very thin and gently curly… the berries are…..a kind of golden reddish color and about the size of a grape with smooth skin… somewhat translucent….


Marimar: Yes, smooth like grapes


Saleena: They seem to have a kind of dew on them… little moisture droplet’s… I am asking the tree if it is alright to have one?


Colin: The food is magical and feeds us in many ways, on many levels.


Marimar: I think the “dew” may contain codes… be careful there! This tree seems designed to deliver information, not just nourishment.


Saleena: It seems very pleased and send me a kind of warm impulse rather than a sentence… seemed even a little shy… I know it was a yes… codes huh?… hmmmm…. Here you can lick mine!


Marimar: “Tree of Wishes” someone said. Reminds me a bit of the grove in Avatar.


Saleena: I am taking a bite… okay, licking off the dew…what the heck…. maybe it will give us something new to take back to build our new Earth with….


Colin: Mmm very nourishing, like it feeds us in many planes, many dimensions.


Saleena: Do I make a wish while eating it?

Marimar: I tried licking the outside of the berry and a vision opened in my mind. I suggest asking a question and then having the tree offer one to you.


Saleena: What does being in romantic passionate love feel like here on your planet?


Now I am taking a berry and biting into it with my eyes closed… it is slightly pungent taste… not sour and not sweet…. makes my mouth water though….


Colin: Maybe we will carry this experience back and relate more to our own plants on earth?


Saleena: The tree shows me an image of hugging it… so I am walking to it and wrapping my arms around it….


Marimar: What can you tell me about the grid system on this planet?


The tree gave me the idea that the grove is at a “grid portal” where information from the higher dimensions is accessible. Kind of like an Internet cafe, I guess. The information relates not just to this planet but opens up a kind of encyclopedia containing information on many places and possibilities.


Saleena: When I do I am very connected into the ground, the soil… I was going to say Earth… what do they call it when the planet isn’t called Earth?


We are traveling down into the soil… into the land… moving along a system of roots from one tree to another… very fast…. and coming up in a place with a little tree that seems to be on a kind of porch or veranda… it is in a pot … and i can feel it is very full of love….


Colin: They are all connected.


Saleena: There is a kind of crystalline home or structure… and this little tree has one flower on it… it is the most amazing thing I have ever seen…


…very ornate…. and colorful… like a kind of stringy tied Christmas decoration…made of macramé knots and fine threads of red, yellow orange with some turquoise and white…


It hangs down like an ornate ball on its stem… I am in the tree looking out…. at the flower… funny it is the flower that this tree is so madly in love with!


It is admiring it and loving it and caring for it… with much tenderness….


It reminds me of the cherry tree in Anastasia… only that tree loved the man… this one loves it’s flower…


Colin: Have a distraction, back soon…


Marimar: Seems like this is the answer to your question.


Saleena: I just noticed that there are a few humanoid looking beings looking at me and whispering…. they can tell I am in here…


Marimar: Now we know why you got practice as a stump yesterday.


Saleena: I am sending them a greeting and they are starting to laugh…gently… they were somewhat surprised and got over it very easy… I am sending them my name and greeting and showing them where I am from…


Saleena: Yes…the stumpified-ness I was feeling yesterday. I had to surrender to it.


Marimar: I wonder if this is one of the other 50 planets that serve as Galactic Libraries?


Saleena: I show them The Founders and our ride here and the tree and eating the fruit and my question… they are starting to laugh some more in a very warm kind of pleasure…. you could ask?


Marimar: Just wondering my question seems to bring in the answer: Yes.  Seems like this Whole place is telepathic.


Saleena: They are welcoming me here and ask if I would like to come out of the tree?  I am laughing… it does seem funny….


One walks up to me and holds their hand in an upright position finger up and palm t me… I see it is a greeting to place my palm to theirs…


They are light skinned and almost silvery tone…not grey…. their hair is light and long and kind of silvery, also… the eyes of this little group are all blue…


Marimar: “The Guardians” someone said. I guess they care for the place.


Saleena: Alittle taller and slimmer than me…. seems to be a male, a female and a teenage young one…

They have some kind of tunics with subdued earthy colors, though a kind of yoke with decorative sewing on it… with silver threads… they like silver….sort of loose pants that are about 7-8 inches from the ground…they have something on their feet but it is like they are barefoot… the shoe or sock is transparent and fits just like a skin… Someone says “Breathable”


Marimar: I was hovering over you, and brought myself down to the floor. I wanted to show them the silver mirror ball we are growing for our new Earth.


Saleena: I would like a pair please…of the non-shoes…..


Hi there… nice to see you… They are probing us…. gently… as curious about us as we are about them….


So we can fly here and travel through tree roots… nice…


They are attentive to what you are showing them….


Marimar: I tell them we are in the process of creating a new version of our planet, and here is the stage it is at.

Saleena: They want to call some others to come see…This is what you saw this morning inside you when you woke?


Marimar: Yes


Saleena: One asked me if we are here for ideas? If we like what we see will we add it to our dream?


Marimar: I tell them we came here to get some “decorating” ideas.


Saleena: Yes, we were invited here by The Founders just for that…


Marimar: Feeling a surge of love… not sure if it is from them or from me.  A deep appreciation.


Saleena: This one was excited that some of their planet and culture might be woven into another world… that seems to delight them….


I am asking if there is anythign they would like to show us? Do you have names?


Marimar: They seem to be excited at the thought that someone outside values what they are doing.


Saleena: The male that I saw first, we must be on their porch or veranda… he steps up and puts his hand up again… to press my hand to his… so I do…


Marimar: The female comes over to me


Saleena: He closes his eyes so I do…


Marimar: She is a little bit shorter


Saleena: I am relaxing and breathing deeper as we seem to sync up. I felt a little pulse of love from the child…and I sent one back… they are very happy we are here….


Marimar: She reaches out her hands and creates a globe in between them… an image of what I showed them telepathically.  She is turning it.  She points to a certain spot and telepaths “follow me”…


I think she wants to suggest something for us to place at that spot.


I find we are in a grassy area with a big bison-like animal.


She points up and I can see we are in a large domed area. It may be their version of a zoo. The idea she gives me is we should have areas where various life forms can be protected and given custom environments. Evidently, this makes it possible for new kinds of life to plunge themselves onto the planet.


At least that is the way they do it here… a kind of “build it and they will come” concept.



Saleena: “I am Janook. We are of the Albrighton Tribe. We live here and have been the caretakers of this garden “library” as you  suggested for as long as any of us remember. We love our planet. We love each other. We love all the natural beings who choose to live here.


We have no conflict here.

We have heard of it, meaning conflict, from …. he is saying a word I don’t know…it is a way they look out into space and visit other places… they sit is circle and get into sync like this and then all imagine they are rising and moving into a kind of stream of consciousness that runs through space… and they intend they will go somewhere that will be informative…


He says this is when they can perceive the records, the library of that place or planet and read it… they all know how to do this, even the littlest ones…


He goes on… we have only harmony and love here.


We have chosen not to create space travel yet… we are enjoying the stage we are in and yet we somehow know that change is coming to us…


Some of our children are beginning to yearn for space travel and we listen to everyone here… all are honored and impulses that arise inside our hearts and move into our minds are honored. You call this thing evolution. that is happening here. 


Saleena: We are aware of you, Marimar, and your conversation with the female…


Now he says that new life is brought here from time to time. That there are those, like The Founders and others who visit and they do have space technology and even greater skills at teleporting anywhere they wish… they bring the animals and plants   and even minerals from other places and those all come in ships….


Marimar: So perhaps the “zoo” is a kind of sanctuary for endangered animals from other places.


She says yes, but they also evolve once they are here.


Marimar: Part of their purpose here is education and upliftment of species.


Colin: Like in Telos, there is a place for all the extinct species.


Janook through Saleena: The female is She-reir-stra. Our child is Jah ah non.


Saleena: the child is offering to sync up with you Colin…. Jah ah non….


He says if we all place a palm to the one we are with… and we can sit to get comfortable… I guess that is on the ground on some kind of grass like green and purple plant life…


Colin: ok


Saleena: Seems we only need one palm connected…


Colin: The share of love and energy is similar to the Buddha experience


Saleena: We are right with Marimar and She-reir-stra even though they are somewhere else on the land… we are right with them….


It is gettin very quiet… they seem to be clearing their minds…


Colin: We flow into each other exchanging codes and understanding.


Saleena: Jahnook says, “…and opening our hearts….”


I had asked if there was anythign they would like to share with us since we are here for inspiration…


Colin: The bliss of this connection has kind of taken me by surprise… beautiful.


Enjoy, they say..smiling…


Saleena: I was petting Brandy-Love, our dog friend, and sending her love just then and they all were enjoying Brandy-Love and her being… though one of them was concerned that something is broken or not lined up right inside her… maybe her leg or hip , i think she was hit by a car once before she came to us… they are sending her love….


Saleena: Janook started showing me this area… it is like a circular tube like building… very big and tall with an open top…the walls are slightly aqua and transparent… inside there are long strings of things that remind me of DNA strand… they are floating slightly above the ground and moving upward just floating in the air… lots of them…they are a kind of DNA library… they can create from here…. they seem to know how to genetically create new kinds of life…


Marimar: I asked them “What do you most love about your world?” and they showed me the subterranean streams that connect everything together, then gave me the idea of the consciousness of the world itself, their “Earth Mother”.


Saleena: He says that just as life is brought here, life is also sent out from here… to seed other planets or help to diversify planets that are taking a turn toward too much of the same kind of life…


Colin: Grateful for your vision, I’m not seeing much but feeling it very intensely,


Saleena: I asked if they have ever sent life to our Earth from here. He doesn’t know that right away… says he would have to look….


Saleena: Janook asks if you would like to change and connect with him? He said you might have a different experience…


Marimar: Do you mean me?


Saleena: He was showing me to change to the female and Colin to Janook and you, Marimar, to the child…


Colin: ok


Marimar: So you are suggesting that Colin link with the female and I link with Janook?


Colin: Hi Janook


Saleena: To shift our connection around… I am greeting  She-reir-stra. The child is Jah ah non.


Marimar: ok I will link with Jah ah non.


Saleena: There seems to be a crowd gathering more of them… I am placing a palm to hers…her energy is different… not as robust and more delicate…she has a very beautiful heart… and shares much love instantly…


Colin: Yes, quite different feeling although I’m not finding words to describe how it feels.


Saleena: She loves the animals here, that is what she works with, that is her…she looks for my word… passion….


Saleena: Janook is also placing a finger on your third eye Colin….


She is showing me a pack of animals that she is working with right now that are like our wolves… so much love… she shows me how she runs with them in the wide open areas… full on… she loves using her body even though they can float or fly….


Colin: Janook Feels like more of a practical energy, experienced creator, purposeful…and teacher, that made me sit up, he says ‘Like you!’


Saleena: They are silvery with a slight purplish tinge… they have more amber eyes… golden… they are all the same colors… Mothers Fathers and Pups… they are about twice as big as our wolves though…. she says she also can ride them when they invite her…


Colin: We exchange ‘knowledge.’  We touch heads, third eye to third eye.


Saleena: They have a beautiful pack dynamic…she says she is one of the “pack,” Again she is using our word… they don’t have that one…


Colin: Source flows between us, as us… wow!


Marimar: I get the feeling that Jah ah non is interested in the technical aspects of the way they cultivate new life. I asked him if they use a kind of hyperdimensional ontogenetic catalog such as the Ummites described?


Saleena: Now she is showing me a place where they are growing something like sweet potatoes… though they are very yellow inside.


She says they grow many different foods and plants that can be made into dyes and paints…


I want to see some of their art… she says they do still make things with their hands and can make things with their minds… they like the feeling of creating with their hands and working with their hands at times…


I asked if they eat the yellow potatoes and she laughed and showed me very yellow teeth… i am laughing too… she shows me the dyes are made with this and some animals like them… those Bison like ones do….


Marimar: Jah ah non said “Here, nature itself does most of the work. We introduce life forms, or ideas of life forms, and then create the environments suitable for them. As we change the environment, we find that nature will introduce related changes, often in surprising ways.”


Colin: Seems they touch into our passions and we theirs, and we share what fires those passions.


Need to go soon, we are going to 3D Bristol town shortly


Saleena: I still want to see some of the art and I want to know about energy…how they create ways to run the technology… the climate here seems very mild and looks like it doesn’t have extreme temperatures… she nods… how they make light and just what kind of technology they have…

Colin: Do they measure time here I wonder?


Saleena: Can you find your way back Colin?


Colin: Yes, I’m a Pilot, too….


Saleena: They seem to have a very natural connection to the land… I haven’t felt any stress in them or the land… it all seems to harmonious… maybe like The Beautiful Green.


Aloha Colin…glad you could come with us… I bet you will visit more when you have time…. much love to you….


Marimar: They remind me of gentle guardian gardeners… of biological information.


Seems like it might be time to take our leave… hope we can come back and see more. Sending them love and thanks for their work and hospitality…


Saleena: Janook is offering to connect with you if you would like…. so we can experience their world through different perspectives…


Hmmm I am not feeling to leave yet…


Marimar: Ok I will connect to Janook.


Saleena: Colin is going but I am still interested in more….


Colin: Aloha beloveds, thank you for sharing and for an amazing journey, love you deeply


Saleena: Love you Colin… Aloha……


Janook showed me that they might be able to help us feed some of what they do into our new Paradise Earth if it seems right to us.


Colin: I think part of them will come shopping…


Marimar: Show them Bristol town!


Saleena: How do you do what we use money for?

9:13:36 PM HT Colin: Yes, and cars and traffic…


Saleena: How do you share what anyone does or creates?


Quoting “Beautiful Green”: Someone has to volunteer to go to Earth….


Marimar: Should be quite an exotic experience for them!


Saleena: So I am syncing again with She-reir-stra… she wants to show me the art……. in fact she is taking me there…. I can’t tell if we are up and walking in our bodies or if we are moving there is our imaginations or bilocating?


Marimar: I asked Janook whether he ever wanted to go off planet, and he said not really, but his son was interested.  So perhaps Colin could link with Jah ah non


Saleena: She is taking me to a fun place… it is designed like a sandstone village… with round igloo shaped stone buildings with paths and trails winding around between them…not straight line walkways… if is very ornate… she says they are baking houses…


What do you bake here? She is showing me these little odd shaped pieces like runes… she is showing me how they mix the base for them out of sand and crystals and plants and something else… a kind of alchemical magic? Like pulling in some sunlight or moonlight or part of the energy of a mountain….


Marimar: So I asked Janook what his deepest aspirations were. He said “universal harmony realized through the interplay of life.”


I asked him what was his favorite tool here. He said “the mind link” meaning the way that his imagination can create and manifest things here.


Saleena: She is looking to see if we have anythign like this… she shows me flower essences or essences where we bring the energy of a place or plants of flower or element into it… only they bring it into the base “mud”… then they sit with it and draw in what they would like to create… I ask what these are for… and I see them tucked into a pocket or crease of clothing… I see them under a pillow helping someone dream… or sleep deeper… I see them nourishing someone with elements… maybe like creative medicine for their body-minds….


Marimar: I ask if he has any special places he goes to rest?


“Yes,” he said, “Follow me”.


I find myself with him hanging in a blue liquid space. It is like being in the “deep blue” ocean on Earth, where there is no bottom. We can breathe in here, and tumble. I told him we have places like this, but we have to hold our breath underwater.


Saleena: She can see my room in front of me and she asked me to smell the flowers I have on my desk… These are peach Plumerias… the smell reminds me of our fresh peaches… She can receive it when I smell them…. She is noting the color and smell and texture and shape…


I am bringing one into my hand here… the one that is free… I can draw it here and hand the blossom to her… she asked if I will do that with the other flower there… it is another kind of peachy orange Double Ruffle Hibiscus…. no smell though…


I bring it into my hand for her and give it to her… she is very very happy I did this… she is kissing my cheek… and I can tell she really treasures them…


Marimar: I can hear musical sound frequencies in here. I telepathed to him the sounds of whales and dolphins, and asked if he had ever seen them. Yes, he said, he was very familiar with whales.


Their love for life is very inspiring and touching.


Saleena: She is pulling something into her hand… a little seed… She saw that the last few days I was thinking about a seed that I had seen here on the Big island… a very round blue seed… vivid cerulean blue…. I saw a picture the last few days and remembered how amazing it was when I saw one on the ground over in Hilo… so unusual… she is showing me a kind of flat seed that is the same color blue… only it looks like a little flying saucer… she hands it to me… and laughs at my image of the ship… she says those are very ancient craft. They know about crafts and have seen how they evolve, too. She says they prefer to use living beings to “grow ” their  “technology’ like the little transports we arrived in… she says they like to have fun in every way they can imagine up!


She is asking if I would like to meet one of their “artists” that might be more like me?


Saleena: I would love it… I also would love to experience the blue liquid sleeping place…sounds wonderful!


2011-07-10 AtMan & the New Twin Interstellar Crystal Seeds


Marimar: I telepathed to them that we had grown an organic ship named AtMan who left to explore the universe.


Saleena: and returned home again…


Marimar: She said “He is like the bubbles of knowledge we grow here and send out to seed ideas of life possibilities into other systems.”


Saleena: She is showing me how I could imagine myself in a transparent bubble and lift it off the ground and float up as high as I like… just enjoy the views from here… it is like a soap bubble…


Marimar: Like the one Glenda the good witch travelled in, in the Wizard of Oz.


Saleena: Is that one of the bubbles of knowledge?


She is nodding… telepathically… and giggles some more… I think we are both about to burst into laughter… it is so delightful sharing…


Yes, she says…like that! and laughs some more… she asks if I know that beings like Glenda are real?


Saleena: I feel like I am a kid here… it is so light and delight full so very refreshing form the intensity and heaviness we have been going through on Earth…


She says we can call AtMan here and he would come….


Marimar: Come on AtMan, you would like this place!


Saleena: I am sending out the signal..come on…AtMan join us… it has been too long since we had an adventure together….


Marimar: I told her AtMan enjoyed working with crystal life forms. That He is a kind of gardener, too.


Saleena: I thought that he said he was bringing Brandy -Love and just then she raised her head and looked at me… I told her to come too….


Marimar: She said, “Let me show you our caves.”

Now I get the feeling we are going deep into the planet.


Saleena: I am going to shift to another so if you would like to sync up with her or someone else they are offering you to link with that male over there…. seems you already did…


Marimar: In the cave, I see lots of colors of crystals.


Meeting unguahnta


Saleena: There is a very tall being stepping forward and bowing to me… and winking… he looks a very lot like a Gorgonite… Andromedan-Sirian spiritual clan… he shakes his head…no… and offers a hand… he does have one a bright blue robe… maybe that is the association…


Marimar: She says they grow quickly in here, and they connect with the libraries. When they send them out, they contain impressive amounts of knowledge.


AtMan has appeared, at least partially.He does not seem to all be here; I guess he is projecting part of himself here.


Saleena: The being I am meeting is very tall… broad head… doesn’t look like these other beings… What is the name of their race? And their planet?


Atman loves crystals…


Marimar: She is touching his skin, and her hand goes through, making them both laugh.


AtMan “winks” at me and says “Tickles!”


Marimar: AtMan goes over to touch some of the crystals and introduce himself. He is starting to play some “music”, or “sing” to them. They seem to like it, paying attention.


Atman is telling them his story… about caring for his pet crystals and growing new ones. He said that he learned that crystals are very attentive and respond to loving care.


He asked if he might leave a small crystal from his “collection” here to learn.


He shows the idea of the crystal to her and she creates a physical form between her hands, then takes it over and places it among the others. It lights up with a soft green glow.


AtMan seems very pleased.


Saleena: The being, unguahnta, I am syncing with is larger boned…humanoid… broad boney side structures out from the side of forehead…

his eyes are small and looks like an ogre… but not in a mean way… just very small yet broad flat nose and somewhat curled mouth… his hand is large and only has two long fingers and one thumb… his skin is a more coarse and nutty brown… he has allot of elemental energy in him…very grounded…


He says to call him “unguahnta”. sounds a bit like a grunt.


I am bringing our attention to the cave and AtMan and showing him how much I love that ship… it is wonderful to see him… up and about… he has been quiet since the simulation birthing of the new Earth Structure…we are all watching now… listening… my heart is feeling so much love watching this…


There are some rather large crystals in here also… Masters and very old…


Yes what about time here… do you record it or your language?


She is offering AtMan a crystal of his choice… yet it has to want to go with him… they are very considerate of every form of life here….

Seems that two of them want to go with him and are setting up a kind of humming sound to attract him to them….

They seem to be “twins”


Marimar: She is placing a bubble around them… like packing them for travel.


Saleena: He is moving toward them and kind of pressing his skin in around them… until they are inside of his bubble..


Crystals inside bubbles inside his bubble…they seem like babies… yet very complex… what are they?


Marimar: I think we have seen this kind of crystal before… in libraries.


Saleena: She says ,

 “These are seeds for extra-stellar travel.”

They can start a whole new trend she says… winking at me…


I see that these people have every capability to have space travel and they truly have chosen to delay it for the more tactile grounded experience they are having… they say that most likely they will not leave the planet but their children will… there is no sadness about that…just a matter of fact feeling…


Marimar: I wonder if these are seeds to grow ships?


Saleena: Funny, when I was looking at AtMan while that was all going on, I see that the continents of the Earth are showing very dimly in his skin… and I could feel that he is directly connected to the forming of Paradise Earth’s body… that may be why he has been so quiet and dormant…


AtMan: “Not dormant..very focused…”


Saleena: …and yes he is connected since he began the whole simulation process with us way back…


Saleena: She says they are like the “chips” for interstellar travel… and that might not mean ships…


Marimar: So I suggest that she touch AtMan where she thinks our rare animal sanctuary should go.


She quickly taps several places and winks at me.


I can see some places are on land and some are in water. One is in the air. A couple are deep underground.


Now I am feeling like I need to rest… so I will lift off. I am sure everyone can stay as long as they want…


10:09:23 PM HT Marimar: Thank you everyone!


Saleena: Aloha, Marimar, yes my back was getting very tired..

.I am going to honor a connection with unguahnta first though…


AtMan seems to be staying… Atman is offering to let us enter into him… if it is alright with me… he says we can connect in a way that we can share more latter this way. So we allow him to bring us inside his bubble… nice to be inside of you AtMan… long time for me… as one of his Pilots… it feels very good… thank you…


Saleena: we are sitting down and syncing up our palms… it always seems like it is the palm directly across from you when you face someone… it doesn’t cross in front of the heart… seems they like to keep the heart space and field more open…


For some reason I am a little uncomfortable with unguahnta… his frequencies are not as easy as the others… very different…


AtMan reminds me that is one thing he does is communications and translations… we are calling him “our little bubble of knowledge” and he is laughing affection, it is filling the air… softens the moment…


Everyone else is also still synced in… seems like no one wants to miss this connection with us…


Saleena: Someone said we are a delightful surprise today… and yes they record time but not in the same way… they only use it for growing seasons… and for honoring seasonal changes… they don’t use it like we do to keep appointments or to help us arrive on time…


Okay syncing with unguahnta. his name sounds African….


He says, Would you like to see some of the art?


He is also saying that he can see what I create (the Vibrakeys) and it is very interesting… he likes looking into the layers of each one…. he also shows me how they are connected to many places and beings… most interesting he is saying… he hadn’t seen any quite like this…


I share how they are co-created, in fact we could co-create something if we found a mutual interest and inspiration… he is noting that….


He is going to do an “official” talk… he laughs…


“I unguahnta am an artist. I have a unique mind and heart.


I wasn’t born on this lovely planet which we call Agar. She is a twin planet and her twin is close by. That is where some of the subdued light comes from. There is a similar planet operating there, also… same climate only much cooler at nights. We are closer to our sun than our sister Unduo is.


Even though I wasn’t born here I am of this planet in the love I have for her and her people. I was always different than others and there was no being like me here. I perceive differently. I look differently.


There is some another genetics in me and another beginning in a different place. My race was more war-like and that brought us to ruin and I am the only survivor left. Just like in one of your stories…I pull the name Superman (from my records). I was sent out in a pod at a very young age to save my life before the total final destruction. It was foreseen.


I have within me the total history of my Home. That is all that is left.


Sometimes at first I would feel the pain and uncertainty that my race was feeling as they passed t another state… With the help of these lovely beings here I have erased the pain or confusion and moved into the very center of my heart and now I am self directed. I have learned a confidence in myself as I live with these lovely and loving beings.


Saleena: Yes, Unconditional love heals all…


I love to create artistic expressions. there are two forms I love…one is using the natural minerals, plants and shapes…. He projects images for me to see…


Saleena: I see him painting on cave walls deep in the Earth. He says it is part of designing the new crystals that seed new life in new places. His patterns do remind me of our geometric shapes and yet very organic more like the creativity symbols..some of them…. his painting are beautiful. He says they are also like “programming” as I would understand.


Saleena: Who decides what can be created or what needs to be avoided. Are there any regulations here?


unguahnta: Our hearts are what we use and there is a collective wisdom and Keepers serve to keep a watch on how things are handled and provide when needed. They are like that idea you have of belonging to a collective with a group who oversees. and that group changes regularly.


Saleena: I am starting to drift off channel because I am tired here in this body… got up rather early for me….we have been here for a number of Earth hours… I would like to see the other kind of art you do


I could have so many questions… I would love to visit again… I have a feeling I am able to be here because of the Founders… thank you…


unguahnta: yes I feel your body tiredness…


I  touch those strands,,, the ones you see growing in the Tembek? Like your laboratory for scientific experiments.


I am gentle and ask permission always… when it is granted I make contact with that life form and draw out of it a vision of some new kind of life…


I then portray it with mixed medias… we have something like your paints… We also have powders that arrange themselves to a template pattern depending on what tones you are playing….maybe like what you call Cymatics.


It is a co-creation; the vision and ideas come from them and then my drawings or paintings help to shape them further until we have a new life form…


So our genetic manipulation is a gentle co-creation unlike yours, where the scientist imposes his own ideas on the life form with no regard to where this sentient consciousness wants to go…


It is a dance between art and science here…


I am passionate about what I do… it is fascinating…


You may do something similar without realizing as clearly what you are doing… with your Vibrakeys you are coaxing new life forms into shape…


I offer you to take this understanding home with you and introduce it into your new Paradise Earth society. I would be honored.


We all wish you to know just how delighted we are to have you visiting and hope you will find you way back to us again some day…


Saleena: Thank you, yes, it is all wonderful here… I can get a ride home with AtMan and enjoy his twin babies… and his company… I may sleep on the way though…


Aloha Janook, She-reir-stra… Ja ha non… I didn’t get to connect with him though he seems to be off with Colin. Aloha everyone else…thank you unguahnta. Beautiful planet you have here… thank you trees for the ride… andthat beautiful little passionate in love tree… what is that?


Saleena: She reir stra says Ugari. It is the only one of its kind and that is the first fruit so it is a very big event for us and the tree… it is Jah ah non’s project.


unguahnta: We have no money. Everything is shared freely and all have what they need.


We have no machinery as you do… everything is organic and conscious.


We welcome you back anytime… aloha…


We say Koobari… which means our love goes with you and becomes part of you so we are always together. Koo oo bari. everyone is calling and waving as we lift off…


Saleena: AtMan asks if I want to go quickly home or tour…. I wish I wasn’t so tired… can we come back? I would love to see more… he says yes… to please curl up and make sweet dreams… he says he loves me and I love him and I loved coming here… thank you Founders for leading the way… this has been most deeeelightful and refreshing from the more focused lightwork we have been doing… zzzzzzz……


End 11:03:19 PM HT

About the author

Saleena Kí

Omniversal Storyteller through her Art, Photography, Music & Word who LOVES Nature, Mother Earth & Assisting us ALL to LIGHTEN UP!

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