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Belees and the Arcturians


I just posted a new page about Belees and the Arcturians and how they have influenced my life. This is only a beginning. The gift of their presence in our lives is immense and I am profoundly grateful to them. Belees is a wise and opened hearted being and one of my best friends now.


"Saleena:  Belees is Arcturian and he is family. He is my friend and guide; sharing many wonderful insightful messages for humanity through me and somethimes Marimar, who channeled the Arcturians publically for many years before we met 5 years ago. Arcturians come from the region or planets around the star portal, Arcturus, the dog star. Dog medicine is Loyalty. The Arcturiansare our Elders and our Parents genetically, as they were one of many Galactic Star Races that helped to seed us on Planet Earth. They work closely with theAngels. In fact it was the Angels that introduced Marimar to the Arcturians. They come from the 6th vibrational level or dimension and are here to inspire us to raise our vibrations, our frequencies, so we can come home and meet them in their world and interact with them even more. They tell us that there are many adventures and endless explorations waiting for us."


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About the author

Saleena Kí

Omniversal Storyteller through her Art, Photography, Music & Word who LOVES Nature, Mother Earth & Assisting us ALL to LIGHTEN UP!