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Happy New Moon & December Cosmic Events

DECEMBER 5th/6th  
NZ 6.35am  6th   
AUST EST 4.35am 6th     

GMT 5.35pm  5th             


The New Moon is always the time to go within, to the inner planes and parts of us that are hidden. It is also the seed of the new beginning as the Sun and Moon are One. Unification in joy is illuminated through the energy of the Sagittarius, the spiritual warrior as we aim for the centre and create new beginnings within our Heart, the Heart of the Sun and Universe, illuminated from within we can make a great leap in consciousness right now.


MAYAN CALENDAR DAY 5th DECEMBER; 11 (change, letting go, freedom) RED (East – electrifies, initiates) CANE  – BEN (time/space traveller, skywalker, angelic messenger, new directions) in the 10 (manifestation, true essence self, intention, motivation) UINAL (20 days) of Challenge ruled by the God of Darkness. TEZCATLIPOCA

MAYAN CALENDAR DAY 6th DECEMBER; 12 (stability in expansion, union of polarities) WHITE (North – refines, detached) JAGUAR – IX  (shaman/magician, timelessness, divine will, integrity) in the 10 (manifestation, true essence self, intention, motivation) UINAL (20 days) of Challenge ruled by the God of Darkness. TEZCATLIPOCA




The Diamond Matrix of Light that has been activated as we unify and awaken the diamond prismed light within and our multi-dimensional selves is now awakening fast within humanity. Just as the crystalline grid is harmonizing nicely and the union of the inner and outer light matrix we all are, so too the next step into higher light octaves with the realization that we are multi-prismed unlimited facets of light. Holograms of our love, that we have created as we merge the dimensional worlds and access the light codes of our multi-dimensional self. As the diamond light matrix connects and unifies through our awakening and the great diamonds in the Earth glow as we focus on the diamond light within, we resonate in our diamond light body.

This day is an opportunity to focus your awareness within and allow yourself to feel your connection with the Earth, and the crystalline grid, the light grid of our higher selves and the solar grids of the Golden Solar Discs. Allowing yourself to be with each aspect of light in union with the third dimension as you become aware of the Diamond within, radiant facets of light. One with the diamond lights of all creation, shinning bright as you step into the unlimited facets you are, sparkling bright right from your heart and the love that you are.

Please see the Diamond Light workbook if you are really into this.

MAYAN CALENDAR DAY: 2 (polarize, co-operation, challenge of duality) RED (East – electrifies, initiates) EARTH  – CABAN ( earth keeper, synergy, galactic alignment, world crystalline resonance) in the 10 (manifestation, true essence self, intention, motivation) UINAL (20 days) of Challenge ruled by the God of Darkness. TEZCATLIPOCA


DECEMBER 12th  12:12     

This year is the Sixteen year since the doorway opened in 1994,  you may be onto a new way of expressing your being, having freed limitations, so new adventures in the book of life come in a more loving, unified way.

Taking yourself to a sacred site, beautiful place in nature, your garden, room as you create a sacred space and be open to the light illuminating you and give thank for the abundance of grace and unlimited love as we anchor the Twelfth Gate.

The 12:12 Twelfth Gate is the union of opposites, the polarized energies have now unified thanks to the 11:11 doorway opening in 1992 as we loved ourselves on deeper levels and were given the opportunity to gain inner awareness and heal with acceptance and love. As the disguises peeled away until all that was left was the self without attachments, the light prismed holograms of our love, one with Source and our multi-prismed, multi-dimensional being, no attachments, simply Being, in the moment, now.

This union has been challenging and from the first 12:12 doorway opening 12th December 1994 it has been highs and lows, pain and joy, love and fear, with the union of opposites and the merging into the higher light octaves in our body, opening our body of light more fully with each unification. The initiations through the chakras and the unification of inner/outer male and female, inner and outer parents, child, no longer focused on external love but internal bliss.

As the Twelfth Gate anchors now and the unification of inner male and female the battle is over and peace within. No more games, the sexual energy is now free to ascend the chakras and central channel, into Ophiuchus the Serpent Bearer as we reunite with our ancestors and the fear and love, the life and the death become one as we move beyond duality and into the higher dimensional matrix of Light. The journey is within the self, the Earth, the Solar System, one with the Sun as the Second Sun returns, doorway to the New Earth, the Galaxy, into the centre, no breathe, Galactic Center, cross over point…the stillness, the black hole where all is manifest.


As the Earth moves through the Galactic Plane, the axis shifts and then Draco becomes the North Pole Star and the serpent is seen all the time in the heavens rather than before the Hunter, Orion. Eltanin the brightest star in Draco and the dragons head is conjunct the Sun, the day the Sun is conjunct the Galactic Centre at 26 degree Sagittarius on December 20th each year.

Ophiuchus; the Serpent Bearer and thirteen sign in the zodiac and beyond that Draco the dragon are the new gatekeepers in the Heaven, from Orion to Ophiuchus and Draco. As the initiation in the Great Pyramid took us through the doorway of Orion, the one, the union of opposites has occurred. The cosmic egg vibrating fully with life force, creation energy, as we move through the Crossover point and into the higher light octaves, just as the Maya did in their time, to show the way for all humanity to do this now.


On the physical plane the Earth may have ice all over it after we move through the Galactic Center, the axis may totally shift and the Earth spin clockwise, rather than anti-clockwise with great tidal waves, Yellowstone blows as it does every 650,000 years and the pole shift every 13000 year, which is right about now, this has happened and been recorded before as you know. Now we are being given the awareness and the gift of transcending the limitations of the third dimension, our fears of dying and resistance to living, of duality and separation consciousness into the higher dimensional self, in love, acceptance and surrender, one with ourself we have arrived, one with Source, Earth, each other in peace and harmony as we know its all us, unity consciousness. As we align through the Sun within, one with all Suns, we have made the shift, jumped the loop and activated our DNA into our body of Light. We are doing this in our body, not by dying but by living.


As we love and accept our fears without realizing it we are becoming more connected to our inner self and Source, and the love of self and all creation. Our light shines bright through our cells. I experienced this at a Mayan initiation site, in the Sun Pyramid at Becan; Mayan for ‘Pathway of the Serpent” where a man tried to kill me and I had no fear in the split second and moved through into another dimension and travelled through a tunnel of light through the pyramid to safety and a lighter dimensional space, only because I had no fear in the split second. This was in 1995, then with a group in 2004 the Ophiuchus Doorway opened there again. Now if you go the energies have completed and it is over, I was just there in 2008, now its time to do this within the self, as we are the pyramid, the doorway, the crossover point and we are creating a New Earth, one in higher frequencies of light. Through our connection within we move through the great shift in ease and grace, in our body of Light as it vibrates in multi-dimensional light waves of unified cosmic consciousness.


We are doing this now; you are already Light, divine, radiant, with awareness of our thoughts and feelings of ourself and others in joy and love as we shine. Whatever manifestations of illusion we may still be holding onto our soul has chosen to Be the Light in this great shift that is now. .  
MAYAN CALENDAR DAY; 5 (centre, core purpose, acceptance) YELLOW (South – ripens, allows) LIGHT – AHAU (Sun, Enlightenment, unconditional love) in the 10 (manifestation, true essence self, intention, motivation) UINAL (20 days) of Challenge ruled by the God of Darkness. TEZCATLIPOCA



This Meteoroid Shower can be seen from 6th to 19th December but best showers seen 13th and 14th in constellation of Gemini, seen in the east sky late evening early morning. This is considered the best of Meteorite showers and the energy that comes with it electrical. Try and see them physically if you can and be open to the flow of life force cosmic energy that comes with them. You can have amazing mediations and inner journeys now to multi-dimensional worlds and other dimensions.

Some estimates say there could be as many as 120 meteors an hour visible from dark-sky locations. The radiant point for this shower will be in the constellation Gemini. The Moon will set early in the evening setting the sky up for a spectacular show. Best viewing is usually to the east after midnight.


MAYAN CALENDAR DAY 13th DECEMBER; 6 (balance, receptivity, organise) RED (East – electrifies, initiates) ALLIGATOR- IMIX  ( source of life, birth, nurturing, nourishment, trust) in the 11 (change, letting go, freedom) UINAL (20 days) of Clearing ruled by the Goddess of Birth. YOHUALTICITL



MAYAN CALENDAR DAY 14th DECEMBER; 7 (connection with source, mystical attunement, sacred) WHITE (North – refines, detached) WIND – IK (co-creator of reality, unseen forces, inspiration, presence) in the 11 (change, letting go, freedom) UINAL (20 days) of Clearing ruled by the Goddess of Birth. YOHUALTICITL




Ophiuchus is the 13th sign in the zodiac between Scorpio and Sagittarius, it is sighted before the Sun on this day. The Sun can be seen against the stars of Ophiuchus from 30th November to 17th December. Ophiuchus is the Serpent Bearer, and extends into the rich star fields of the Milky Way looking towards the Galactic Centre. Ophiuchus is opposite Orion in the Heavens and when we have moved beyond duality and unified the Serpent rises within us, the Kundalini, up the 22 vertebrae, the 22 initiations and is illuminated out the Crown. We become our Body of Light and master of our molecules. In the Great Pyramid, Cheops Orion and Ophiuchus are aligned in the Kings Chamber where the initiations took place. Going through Ophiuchus is the next initiation, as the Orion doorway is closing so Ophiuchus is opening. In Orion we experienced duality and birth and death, in Ophiuchus we experience Life, Physical Immortality and Being our Body of Light fully present in a body.

This day assists humanity to rise out of the underworld and the desire body, out of the illusion of survival and lack and into total trust in the Creator, divine love from within our heart and the Source of all. We are the Creators of our world and become a being who walks between worlds, in the world but not of it as we have no fear.
Please see the 12:12 above for more information.
and also



Eltanin the brightest star in Draco and the dragons head is conjunct the Sun, the day the Sun is conjunct the Galactic Centre at 26 degree Sagittarius on December 20th each year.

The Galactic Centre is the cross over point, black hole where we move through as we complete duality and unify. Our Solar System is moving through the Galactic Plane 21st December 2012 according to lots of sources. Just remember everything is in the Now and in the Greater Reality we are already Light and Gods and Goddesses and the Source itself. In a smaller picture we are back from our future to heal our past, but its all Now. Enjoy the Now.

Please see 



There is a pulse that comes to us from the Galactic Center that expresses the vibrations of the day as well as the bigger cycles of consciousness as we spiritualize matter and become our body of light and multi-dimensional selves.


The Mayan understood this and built the pyramids aligned to the Central Sun Alcyone, brightest star in the Pleiades, our Solar System rotates around in a 26.000 year cycle.


The nine levels of the pyramid represent the Nine Underworlds that we travel through until we get to the top of the pyramid and the Universal Underworld, then into the temple as we have come into unity consciousness, moving through the Galactic Centre, the cross over point and void; within and without in the heavens.


Opening up to our multi-dimensional and light self and New Earth, higher dimensional Earth, Solar System and Galaxy and we have jumped the loop.


The initiate would go down the steps inside the pyramid and into the sarcophagus and align one with the Central Sun, body of Light, one Light beyond the illusion.

The Star essence of Eltanin assists in the purification of the old energies still held in the cells, DNA and energy field, opening us up to the matrix of unity and the New Earth, higher dimensional Earth. Its energy resides as the dragon at the base of your spine and as you activate and awaken it ignites up your spine and en-livens you.

Eltanin speaks "I am the fire that comes from the core of my soul, the spirit of fire is ignited with my song, the light of the universe is created through my breath. I create new worlds to inhabit within the light of consciousness of the unified matrix. Acknowledge me not as destroyer or negative but as creator and unified. The fire I breathe only destroys that not of spirit in unity. I transmute and purify that which is old, tired and ready to move on. I give rebirth, like the phoenix rising from the ashes, the new comes from the old, all form changes through the fire I breathe. I herald the new birth, the new creation as transmuted through the fire of spirit and through the eye of the needle. My alignment with the Earth plane again is a sign that the purification is happening. Be at peace and transcend as the fire of my breath awakens the spirit of thee."
At Kings Canyon, Watarrka National Park in the red centre of Australia, the vortex is aligned to Draco and the Star Alignment of Eltanin its brightest star and dragon head happened there in October 2005. In September 2008 the doorway opened as we sat at the same place of the star alignment vortex at Kings Canyon and travelled to Draco on the inner planes.

The doorway of Draco is opening as it is the new initiation in our body of Light. The gateway through Orion is closing as we complete the 11:11, unify as the chakras spin and glow, the kundalini serpent travels our central channel and opens us to our body of light, multi-dimensional self.

As the Earth moves through the Galactic Plane, the axis shifts and then Draco becomes the North Pole Star and the serpent is seen all the time in the heavens rather than before the Hunter, Orion. Ophiuchus; the Serpent Bearer and thirteen sign in the zodiac and beyond that Draco the dragon are the new gatekeepers in the Heaven, from Orion to Ophiuchus and Draco. As the initiation in the Great Pyramid took us through the doorway of Orion, the one, the union of opposites has occurred. The cosmic egg vibrating fully with life force, creation energy, as we move through the Crossover point and into the higher light octaves, just as the Maya did in their time, to show the way for all humanity to do this now.

MAYAN CALENDAR DAY; 13 (unseen, unexpected change, transcend, presence) YELLOW (South – ripens, allows) RABBIT – LAMAT (doorway, harmony, beauty, expanded love) in the 11 (change, letting go, freedom) UINAL (20 days) of Clearing ruled by the Goddess of Birth. YOHUALTICITL


FULL MOON IN GEMINI  29.21 degrees
 DECEMBER 21st   9.13pm NZ  
AUST EST 7.13pm   
GMT 8.13am

eclipse time NZ 9.18pm   
AUST EST 7.18pm   
GMT 8.18am

The Full Moon is a time of completion and celebration, in Gemini we have the twin aspects celebrating co-operation in unison, the individual parts remain unique but are now able to align in the polarization of Sagittarius as it shoots straight to the heart. Time to celebrate our diversity in oneness, it is a great time for a party or to be the radiant Light that you are. Gratitude for the blessings of our life and the abundance we are and share in joy and love. This full moon is always a powerful one and assists us to connect deep into the inner realms of Light and unity. On the 2008 Gemini Full Moon was the Inner Earth and Galactic Center union and the Golden Solar Discs were anchored into the Fourth Dimension on the 2007 moon. On the 2004 Gemini Full Moon we had an Inner Earth opening.

A Total Lunar Eclipse is when the Earth comes directly between the Sun and Moon, and the Moon is completely shadowed, receiving no direct light from the Sun, Lunar Eclipses are working more on the emotions, inner and hidden aspects. The eclipse will be visible throughout most of eastern Asia, Australia, the Pacific Ocean, the Americas, and Europe. The eclipse will be visible after midnight in North and South America. Since the Moon will be almost directly overhead from these locations, this should be an excellent chance to view a rare total lunar eclipse.

See website for more info.

With the Lunar Eclipse you will be able to go deep not only into your own psyche and centre but work with the Councils of Light in holding the Divine Source/Light portals worldwide in oneness and unity. Creating higher dimensional zones where duality has been playing out. This is not about changing, controlling or judging but merely being the anchor you truly are and holding the higher frequencies as we move beyond the illusion.

This Total Lunar Eclipse with the Full Moon opposite the Galactic Centre and the Sun conjunct the Galactic Centre, a doorway is being created with the energies of the twins of duality merging into the one point of spirit and shooting straight for the Galactic Centre.


Making this eclipse a powerful doorway of healing and unification and journeying through the Galactic Centre and experiencing the new creation. The Galactic Centre is accessed through the stillness within where all is manifest, the crossover point within and without.

I am travelling to one of my very major vortexes where I get downloaded with new light codes as well as uploading. So I know it’s going to be big and where I live I can see it happening in the heavens, also, so check out the link above and click the diagram to see if you get to see it too. Regardless of the outer sight the energies are going to be intense so placing yourself on the earth at a sacred space to you would be a great idea. With this wave of light codes coming in we are at the Solstice, and the RA Light also.

MAYAN CALENDAR; 1 (unity, unconditional love, new beginnings) RED (East – electrifies, initiates) WATER- MULUC  (awakening, remembrance, flow, divine guidance) in the 11 (change, letting go, freedom) UINAL (20 days) of Clearing ruled by the Goddess of Birth. YOHUALTICITL



So try and do physical exercise everyday if possible to help the energies move through you and be aware of the Bigger Picture. If possible spend time at a vortex and just be with the Earth and multi-dimensional energies in a state of allowing and peace.




12.38pm NZ 
AUST EST 10.38pm


The Summer Solstice is when the life force and creativity of nature climax. What budded in youth has now blossomed into maturity, nature attains its peak of perfection, the transformation has been accomplished. The Solar Rays are at their peak, the Light that permeated the core of the Earth at the Winter Solstice is now radiating fully through the Earth and through all of nature. The Summer Solstice is a time when the Light has been brought back from the core of the Earth and all is illuminated, a celebration of life and the bounty, grace and abundance that is given to us from the Sun.



GMT  11.38am


The Winter Solstice is when the Sun again turns Southward in the Northern Hemisphere, after having reached its furthermost northern declination. At the Winter Solstice the Divine Light reaches the inner most centre of the globe, there it remains for four days, impregnating the Earth with its Life. It is the birth of the Sun, and creates a new growth cycle, the Earth and all beings are made ready for a fresh beginning. It is a time when a great amount of Cosmic energy is given too us to heighten our vibrations and expand our awareness, through the new Sun. Each year the energy is increased as we awaken and attain our fulfillment. The Sun is within our heart and so our Solar Self is Divine Love. At the Summer Solstice we started our inner journey and purification, now we are completing and ready to step into the new and heightened frequencies through the Sun, Central Sun, and Greater Central Sun as all the cycles are now merging in alignment of the Suns. As we ourselves step into the Golden Cycle by being our Solar Self.


Solar Unified Being


This Solstice on the wave of the eclipse and full moon energy, be open to the joy of the Solar Rays illuminating from the Sun. Become aware of what you are creating as a Solar unified being. We are not looking at the Sun as male or female, as there is no duality, male and female are one. So if you still feel you have issues with your Inner Male and Female now is a golden opportunity to marry them and then take yourself on a journey into the Sun. If you still have difficulty with this then look at what is going on in your charkas, as the kundalini is able to rise through you as you become clear. This is good time to start clearing and transmuting all the blocks that may still be held in the Chakras.

On this Solstice the energies are there for you to journey within deeper to the Akashic Records and your own cellular/stellular memories. There is a great download of information that can be accessed at this time in order to assist you to unify and the Earth to transit into the higher octaves in a way that takes us through gently and with the Earth, Stars and Suns in harmony once more.

When the Sun has illuminated out of the Earth and is the Lightest day for the Southern Hemisphere. In the Northern when the Sun illuminates into the core of the Earth, either way a day of the Sun, a day of the Solar Beings and a doorway to illuminate humanity with the Solar Rays. Be open to the gifts that are illuminated from within you, be open to the Golden Solar Discs anchored again on the earth plane through the etheric, to the Sun in the core of the Earth, the Sun, Central Sun and Greater Central Sun.

Be open to any message or awareness with yourself as a member of the Council of Light through the Central Sun. Connect at sunrise, noon, sunset and midnight and the exact time.

This Solstice is a time of intensified energy to transform the fears and dross of the illusion and its solar rays will be scorching if a lot of this has not already taken place. The golden light and RA Light shines relentlessly without discriminating, it illuminates all.

For information on unifying yourself please see my BOOKS "GATEWAYS OF UNITY, INNER AND NATURAL HEALING" AND "LIGHT CODE ACTIVATIONS".


With lots on the Sun in "HANDBOOK OF RA


MAYAN CALENDAR DAY; 2 (polarize, co-operation, challenge of duality) WHITE (North – refines, detached) DOG – OC ( (spiritual strength, loyalty, heart, new beginnings) in the 11 (change, letting go, freedom) UINAL (20 days) of Clearing ruled by the Goddess of Birth. YOHUALTICITL



Whether we are Christian or not, believe it was when the Christ was born or not, it is a day a lot of humanity has set aside to share with loved ones, those less fortunate and come together in love, joy and peace. A time of goodwill, giving and gratitude, so  we create a collective energy that we can use to see all beings as whole, healed and divine. The aspects of you in higher dimensions that in separation consciousness you may feel are not you but are, for example; Angles, Light Beings, Masters, Guardians, Christed/Buddhic Beings, Councils of Light are able to illuminate humanity and the aspects of you in the denser worlds with love and grace at this time also. Be open to receiving and sharing.

MAYAN CALENDAR DAY; 5 (centre, core purpose, acceptance) RED (East – electrifies, initiates) CANE – BEN (time/space traveller, skywalker, angelic messenger, new directions) in the 11 (change, letting go, freedom) UINAL (20 days) of Clearing ruled by the Goddess of Birth. YOHUALTICITL



Astar alignment is when the star or star constellation in question is aligned back into the earth plane in harmony with us. The Ancients knew the importance of the Star Alignments; as above, so belowand star-mapped the Earth by building conduits to anchor the energy with pyramids, standing stones, stone circles, temples and oblique's that held and aligned the particular stellar energies with the Central Sun in the core of the Earth, the Earth, and Heavens as harmony and abundance reigned. When we choose to go deeper into density and with the end of the last Golden Age and the Earth shifted then the star alignments also went out of synch. The stars have also moved since that time and so now with the return of the Golden Age, the star alignments are now happening again, anchoring that energy onto the earth plane and core of the Earth.


Bellatrix is the third largest star in the constellation of Orion the Hunter and place where we played out duality in a big that has now resolved in Orion and since the 11:11 doorway opened in 1992 we have been given the opportunity to remember our divinity and open to unity consciousness. Bellatrix the Conqueror that is aligning now with Earth shows us we have resolved our duality dramas and transcended the limitations of the illusion we brought into. We have shifted paradigm and Bellatrix anchors through our own connection within and the strength of our inner Light and open heart.

Any more subtle duality issues still in your energy field can now be revealed and embraced easily and with joy. Taking time to be aware of your inner Light and how it has assisted you always. Going deep within and allowing for a future guided by the light within and the stillness of your union.


MAYAN CALENDAR DAY; 8 (harmonize, empowerment, integrity, of the one heart)YELLOW (South – ripens, allows) OWL – CIB (Cosmic consciousness, divine communication, inner voice, grace, trust) in the 11 (change, letting go, freedom) UINAL (20 days) of Clearing ruled by the Goddess of Birth. YOHUALTICITL




From December 29, 2010 through Jan 19, 2011 we'll experience a rare period where nothing is retrograde in the sky. Everything will be direct. None of the fifteen astrological bodies, including Alpha-Omega (Chiron) and the four main asteroids will be in reverse process; all will be heading forward. The last time we had a few weeks like this was January 1997, which means that during each moment of the last fourteen years something or other was inverted, turned-around, inside-out or backwards. If you've been fighting a certain battle with some level of existence in this period, the retrograde factor has been playing a role in your life.

The technical meaning of retrograde is that the Earth's orbit around the Sun overtakes the orbit of some other planet. From the Earth's point of view the other planet or planets appear to move backwards. They're not really backing up in space, but the effect is similar to riding an express train which overtakes a local, and the local, while speeding ahead at its own rate, appears to be going backwards.

The result of so many planets being backward for so long is that some part of existence slides away from us; you can't get your hands on some elusive function of your life. Like trying to climb a muddy hill with no purchase, you know where you're going but you can't seem to get there, and many of your efforts only backslide.

Retrogrades aren't all bad, though. They serve the purpose of pressuring us to clean up something on the inside before freeing us to go outward. They set up temporary roadblocks that may in the long run prove to be initiations.

By stalling us from getting where we try to go, we're forced to dig deeper into uncovering something within us that can better prepare us for the eventuality of actually getting there. But when fourteen years of retrogrades occur, things remain slippery for a long exhausting period, and it's easy for frustration to set in.

During the three weeks beginning December 29, when everything becomes direct, a release will occur. On that day the final planet to turn direct is Mercury, which moves forward in 20 degrees Sagittarius. The Chandra symbol for that degree is "The changing of water into wine."

When Mercury goes direct a powerful spirit blast will surge in from a high part of the sky. With nothing retrograde to get in its way, the miracle side of this high degree will be available to many of us.




Planetary Meditation link up world-wide for Peace. There are many times of the day that have been set aside for meditation and connecting around the planet for Peace. This particular link-up has been going for almost 20 years. As we all connect at midnight our time and link to everyone around the Earth we see and know everyone is already whole, healed, divine and at peace. In the Greater Reality all is in the Now and we create it, so how do we see it. If enough of us see it as it really is, divine, then it is. When we are at peace within, then so too does our world, the inner and the outer are One.

MAYAN CALENDAR DAY; 11 (change, letting go, freedom) BLUE (West – energise, transforms) RAINSTORM – CAUAC (transformation, lightbody, lightening path, purification) in the 11 (change, letting go, freedom) UINAL (20 days) of Clearing ruled by the Goddess of Birth. YOHUALTICITL

MAYAN CALENDAR DAY; 8 (harmonize, empowerment, integrity, of the one heart) BLUE (West – energise, transforms) HEARTH  – AKBAL (stillness, inner-self, dreamtime, serenity) in the 11 (change, letting go, freedom) UINAL (20 days) of Clearing ruled by the Goddess of Birth. YOHUALTICITL



MAYAN CALENDAR DAY; 12 (stability in expansion, union of polarities) YELLOW (South – ripens, allows) LIGHT – AHAU (Sun, Enlightenment, unconditional love) in the 11 (change, letting go, freedom) UINAL (20 days) of Clearing ruled by the Goddess of Birth. YOHUALTICITL


Copyright © 2009, 2010 Soluntra King
PO Box 11 Whakatane, Bay of Plenty. 3158  New Zealand.
 email website
Permission is given to copy and redistribute these Cosmic Events on the trust that the contents remain complete, all credit is given to the author and it is freely distributed.


will be up on my site by Wednesday 8th December

About the author

Saleena Kí

Omniversal Storyteller through her Art, Photography, Music & Word who LOVES Nature, Mother Earth & Assisting us ALL to LIGHTEN UP!