ASCENSION PROCESS Astrological Energy Weather Report Inner Work Insights Process Space World Event

Retros "Re" Do-Visit-Think-Examine-Cuperate with Virgo: August 19-25


Saleena: I am going to preface this
with the reminder that
we are powerful creatives and
whatever we believe & focus on
shapes our world.

Please read this with
your own decisions in place
about how your want to create your reality.

For example, I have decided to ascend. I do everthing I can to raise my frequency & live in the higher energies. I make choices that align with this decision. Another one is "What if it is Easy?" If anything starts to feel toooo hard I remember to ask my Angels to help make it easier. They always do.

Learn to live each moment in Grace, flowing with the Creational energies as planets align, square, retro, etc.

Learn new skills to create an interface between your emotional body, that can feel "out of control" with all the transition, and the inner connection to the heart and intuitive centers. This can change your experience, even as all creation moves through its cycles.


I just posted a few new Useful Techniques HERE. These are ones I use all the time. Try this simple one: Bliss Breathing. This one has changed my interface with my emotions & reality. It creates BLISS quickly no matter how you were feeling! It helps you become more multi-dimensionally perceptive. It balances your body-mind.


I also offer many solutions & new skills via the Vibrakeys. Take a look at them and feel free to contact me if you need some help choosing the best ones to support your decisions at this time.


Esoteric Astrology as news for
        August 19 – 25, 2010           

Mercury Retro in Virgo


Mercury in Virgo turns retrograde Friday, August 20th (12:59 pm, west coast). The retrograde, till September 12th, lasts three weeks. Mercury retro joins five other starry retro big hitters – Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto & Chiron.

Retros are linked with the prefix “re”.

We redo,
re-evaluate, etc.
created since
Mercury’s previous retro, (April/May).

We look back,
rest and
from a mind exhausted with facts.

With so many retrogrades,
especially the major transformers
(outer planets),
the entire world is critically
rethinking everything.
It’s an interesting time.


How to MAKE the MOST of a RETRO

For readers wondering how to prepare for the retrograde, knowing about and understanding it is enough.

We know we don’t create new plans or projects, purchase important items (cars, houses, appliances, clothes, gifts, etc.), contracts aren’t signed, agreements aren’t made, money isn’t borrowed or loaned and we don’t expect clear communication or to aware drivers.

We know everything’s overlooked, messages aren’t received, details are neglected, keys are misplaced, information’s off-center, minds change constantly, thoughts turn inward, and questions aren’t answered.


Havoc appears
everywhere with everyone.
How do we respond?

We think of Mercury retro as an experiment,
a time of no expectations,
an astrological phenomena
to observe with
intelligent awareness,
and humor.


It’s an astrological fact that humanity assumes Virgo tendencies (internally analytical, mentally organized, discriminating, detailed and practical). However, none of this externalizes because our minds are internally reorganizing, evaluating and reflecting upon past information.


Mercury retro is excellent for study. When Mercury turns direct again, revelations appear, information is uncovered and since everyone had a respite from too much thinking, we are able to begin again with previous projects, ideas and planning seeing them with a revitalized mind. For now, though, and for the next three weeks, the world should rest.


Saturday Saturn squares Pluto squares Jupiter,
activating the ongoing
Grand Cardinal T-Square.

Constant challenges are being
presented to humanity.
We are being forced to
do all things differently,
with different (spiritual) purpose.


VIRGO: the Mother Principle

Sunday evening, the Sun leaves Leo for the year and enters Virgo, sign of the “gestating Madonna” (both men & women). Virgo is the name given to the Mother Principle in Atlantean times.

Virgo is the “Mother of all Form”,
the mother principle that
“shields, nurtures, protects & conceals”
(until birth)
a new state of consciousness
(the unborn child).

This unborn child is the hidden spiritual reality each of us eventually comes to. Virgo in her highest form gathers all the nutrients needed to feed her unborn child, allowing these nutrients to pass through her body into the womb (protected state of consciousness).


When we see a Virgo attempting to
this is a beginning level of the
high work Virgo is to do in the world.


Mary, the Mother of Jesus, was Virgo. Mary, maya, mayam, mare, these names have ancient roots referring to water (umbilical waters) from which the Heavenly Fish (child Jesus) was born.


Virgo, the sign, has three legs representing three aspects of the personality: mind (Eve), emotions (Isis) and physical body (Mary). These are the three representatives of the Virgo/Virgin principles through the ages. Within the depths and darkness (womb) the Light is protected so that it can grow in the “womb of time”, slowly gestating until the time for manifestation.

All of these metaphors
represent the Soul (and Spirit),
embedded, anchored & hidden
in form & matter,
learning, experiencing, observing.

Form (the Mother) hides the Soul (child Jesus) which hides Spirit (Father Principle). They are all One. And thus the Virgo meditation seed though on the Soul level “I am the Mother & the Child: I, God, I Matter, Am.”

More about Virgo



US combat troops unexpectedly (Uranus) leaving Iraq. Uranus re-enters Pisces (its last degrees, the same degrees at the start of the war).

Uranus says

“No more sacrifice (Pisces).”

Chiron (wound) conjuct Neptune (dissolving in order to refine).

Neptune, God of the waters, says

“No more wounding.”

Good that it’s happening now, two days before Mercury retro or there would be a return and a rerun.

From: Night Light News

Fascinating Read:


Saleena: I join in with the Divine Mothers to vote for the end of war, sacrifice & wounding, also… I affirm a vision of living together in all our diversity with a loving respect for ALL LIFE upon our Beloved Home Planet, Mother Earth. I see us all understanding that what ever we do to any part of life, we do to ourselves. This means we dynamically understand and make our decisions based on the INTERCONNECTEDNESS of ALL LIFE. I love you all.

About the author

Saleena Kí

Omniversal Storyteller through her Art, Photography, Music & Word who LOVES Nature, Mother Earth & Assisting us ALL to LIGHTEN UP!