ASCENSION PROCESS Call to Action Channeled Message Ecstatic States Expanded Views Higher Dimensional Contact Higher Realms Imagination USEFUL TECHNIQUES

Friday the 13th Morning Message Serapis Bey; Creators of the New World – It's All Vibration

Express yourselves!
You are the creators of the new world;
a new level of life unfolding on Earth.

You who sketch, draw, paint,
sing, compose music, dance,
tell stories,
dig & plant, build, make.
You are sculpting reality.

Choose your visions
to express carefully;
they will, with your
focus & emotion –
your passionate expression,
become reality.

As you tell stories and
share your visions
locally & worldwide,
they are seeds planted in
fertile minds & hearts
that will grow!

Maybe you have forgotten
how powerful you are!


2010-08-13 Friday the 13th
Morning Message
Serapis Bey through Saleena Ki

Saleena: Sitting in the sun absorbing the new light, ahhhhh, another power day; Friday the 13th; a day to focus on creating magic or the magic of creation! To remind me that whatever I focus on I create.

Thinking of the merging I made with Serapis Bey on 8-8. I asked, "What happens when the week is up?" We, who participated in the 8-8 Lift the Earth & Special Activation Adventure remained merged with our guides for this week to help set the alchemy in place for  "Earth lifted to a new higher place."

I hear a voice began to speak:

Serapis Bey: The potential and new level of function and reality are set in place.

Saleena: Please explain more or share more about this and the times we have now entered into. I have desired a follow-up message for those who participated in the 8-8 Lift the Earth and Special Activation and those interested in these Messages from Our New Universe.

So turning back into the part of me that merged with Serapis Bey.

How long will we stay merged? You mentioned we would stay merged for a week after our journey on Sunday 8-8.

Serapis Bey: Saleena, first we open our hearts to each other. This is for the part of you sitting in your body on Mother Earth in between those beautiful Ginger beings. (Saleena note: I am sitting out in the sun on the earth in between two rows of ginger plant that Merlin planted last week.) Because we are merged, it has allowed each of us on the Council of Om or the Council of Light (for we have been called both) to be with you in your daily Earth Life. It has allowed us, as we are creating the alchemy, setting a new level of frequency and potential for the Earth, and upgrading the archetypal experience of the masculine — feminine polarities, to ascend farther.

Ascending is an ongoing process. You are never complete with your journey even when you are back and merged into Source. For Source continues to seek adventure and experience.

Now we are able to "walk" on the Earth from where each of you are right now. This opportunity has afforded us perspective and furthered our compassion and awe of each of your chosen journeys. Our presence will afford you the opportunity to move your frequency upwards more quickly.

The ancient key you used in the activation set the sequence of movements into place to help, to assist your return "Home". Home is a unified vibration. A place in the vibration that knows no separation.

Saleena: Excuse me, I had to move out of the sun and come inside, please continue. Thank you for your sharing!

Serapis Bey: As you have remembered, I am associated with artists and their creative expression in this Earth realm and my interest and influence stretches out into all creation. There is never an action on Earth that doesn't have an effect on all creation. It ripples out effecting all. This is why Earth is such an important focal for us, as you all approach the configurations physically and energetically in location and "time," to afford a great opportunity to ascend.

In perspective of all "time" this is one of the greatest opportune moments. One thing that makes this so significant is that your-our planet herself is undertaking a huge ascension movement at this time. She, like each of you who have decided to ascend, has decided and she has committed herself to the process. For all your assistance through this segment of time and energies aligning she is grateful; eternally grateful!

I am back to speaking of the artists; those who find the urge inability to express themselves artistically and creatively through any kind of medium. I send my love and energies in support of your endeavors. I wrapped my love and energies around you in gratitude and appreciation; encouraging you to be bold and focus your creations upon the visions of a new reality, a new world, a new way of life in harmony and respect with each other.

Express yourselves!
You are the creators of the new world;
a new level of life unfolding on Earth.

You who sketch, draw, paint,
sing, compose music, dance,
tell stories,
dig & plant, build, make.
You are sculpting reality.

Choose your visions
to express carefully;
they will, with your
focus & emotion –
your passionate expression,
become reality.

As you tell stories and
share your visions
locally & worldwide,
they are seeds planted in
fertile minds & hearts
that will grow!

Maybe you have forgotten
how powerful you are!

This is why we are broadcasting the Om Wave. This is why we are broadcasting our love. To offer you hope — remembrance — love unconditional. So you may feel our support & our presence. We are right here with you, paying such close attention to all you do.

Those of you who are moviemakers; do you understand the sacred power you wield? To influence — to inspire — to uplift or to continue the illusion; what do you choose to apply your great creative powers to? A new sustainable world full of love and respect, cooperation, new technologies blossoming, human beings awakened in participating in this loveliest creation or you continue to tell and promote the stories of the horrors of the past era?

We extend an invitation today in our hearts and in our transmissions to choose your focus. Choose your creations wisely. Dare to look deeper into your hearts and connect with all life and your higher aspects, higher selves, and higher tones.

For those who have been in the trance of darkness and despair, war, crime, abuse and rate of each other and Earth and your resources; this is an opportunity to awaken. You have played out your scripts extremely powerfully. Aligning with your darkest signs in expressing these stories; creating these experiences was part of the agreement and your desire, as Source, as ONE, to know more about yourself.

As the Earth ascends, and there is no changing this for you is happening now, there will be parallel realities touching and crossing. Your path will align according to your vibration. This Is the Universal Creational Law. You will choose your way according to that which vibrates within you. There will be a re-assembling of realities. This is what the next years will hold in store for you.

Some of you wonder
how this choices made?

It is vibration;
how you're being vibrates.

Some call it frequency
or waves or sounds or energy.
Some call it resonance.

Like attracts like and you create your reality.

We are alerting you that the
energies of all creation
are converging
to afford an
opportunity of the ages.

Right Now
Right Here
in You!

There is no judgment from us, as a Council we are beyond that. We value and honor your free will, your choice, your soul plans, your life plans and your timing. We honor & uphold you in the courage you have to be here fervently experiencing.

We do share that the experiment went deeper into the illusions of separation than any of us could understand at the beginning. The illusion and depth of forgetting the truth of your own identity became massively deep and that is why so many of us, and so many of you, moved closer and are assisting now. We are doing what we agreed to do; to do everything in our power of creation, with in the Laws of Creation, to assist you all to awaken. We are doing what was planned. So now we reach out.

We allow that some of you are still going to choose to embrace the polarized dark and light experience. For you; your vibration and powers of creation will take you to a new location. It will be of your own creation. You may not even realize you have moved.

For you who choose to align with unity — with love — with unconditional acceptance of all expressions — you align with the desire to raise your vibration. You will create a new world — a new expression of life on your ascending Mother Earth. She will longer host the dark controllers as she has for so long. It is changing every day now.

Raising or lowering vibrations;
how does that happen?

It is what you choose to focus on; what you eat — what you listen to — what you read — what you watch. Would you say to others — what you spend time passionately participating in. The sounds you are exposed to; the vibrations in the air all around you. What you breathe — what you see — what you hear — what you dwell upon in your thoughts. What feelings you cultivate inside you. How you spend your time — your actions — your choices.

It all creates a vibration.
Your body-mind is an instrument.
Your spirit-soul is part of this.
But it is your physical body
that vibrates and responds.

Did you know the Sun is bringing you information? The letters you read have vibration. Light Language is like this; each glyph imparts a vibration that your body and sometimes your mind can translate.

Did you know that the Earth is a library of information and vibration? So much is stored in Earth, in all life that lives on, in and around her. Some call it a Living Library.

You may wonder where
you will learn new ideas
and new ways of
living and creating
in the new world?

It is all around you;
a life with information,
stories and schematics
for new technologies.

Television and media of your planet has been mostly used to create a continuous loop of fear, lack and consumerism. Disrespect for life and the resources of this earth have been magnificently supported this way. Conflict — danger — abuse — treachery — crime have all been significantly popularized and accentuated. Those who choose to feed themselves and their children on these "channels" — these vibrations, become addicted and entranced to these vibrations. Promoting violence and the feelings of living in an unsafe world where only creative robbery — crime and greed will bring about any kind of fulfillment.

Journeys into space are now popular; where new life — new species — new situations — all encounters are filled with danger — destruction — abuse — betrayal — doom — despair and victory only comes when another is captured or destroyed. Where there is always someone looking to misuse technologies and power.

This becomes the food that creates the vibrations and the visions and stories become your thoughts and these thoughts become your beliefs and this all conspires to create your reality. You may not create the exact scenarios yet you create the same kind of vibrations. It is all around you; from the micro to the macro — from the youngest to the elders, they are entranced — entrained — and dominated by this reality.

Yet, amidst this story, there is another one emerging; a vibration of hope — love — abundance — sharing — creative passion for life — love of nature — respect. Intrigue becomes aligned with life-affirming — heart-based technologies.

A new world reality
is emerging within
the old reality.

Bright lights in the darkness are shining forth. Lightbodies activating — new thoughts emerging — new visions of cooperation — restoration — respect of youths, elders — self love — loving each other — acknowledgment of ONENESS — the interconnection of all life. Bright lights coursing through the earth grids; healing — restoring — moving new plans into action. Renewable — sustainable — responsible; these are the buzzwords moving along like bright crystalline points on the web of life.

Some have proposed there is a quiet array of love filled hope filled inspired beings; Lightworkers — Lightplayers — Creatives daily taking action. Ideas — projects — art — music — group actions — meditations — that focus vibration and raise it higher.

The higher it goes the more awaken. As you awaken you open your eyes and see more beauty — you feel love — you feel the life abundant in everything around you. You honor your body as the amazing temple — vehicle in the world of physical expression — for your soul to play in — to create in. You hear new voices — you read the living Library — there are new sounds — in the whisper of the trees leaves rustling in the breeze — birds sounds are more crystalline — the sun shines brighter — and the stars "talk" to you.

You hear new voices sharing new ideas — assuring you they are waiting patiently for you to wake up enough — to raise your vibration enough so you can embrace each other once again.

You feel peaceful — joyful — ecstatic at times. You become aware of your breath and how powerful it is in bringing life force — energy into your body. Your imagination awakens and stretches into realms previously hidden. You begin to connect with the realms of inspiration — you feel guidance available if you ask. You are still in a free will zone.

As you'll waken you will find new senses activating — your perception of reality expanding — that which was "invisible" because of a vibrational difference becomes visible to you. Colors intensify — reality broadens — plants speak to you — animals speak to you.

You are aware of your connection to all life. You are becoming crystalline in nature — your body begins to feel "lighter" and literally more light is able to enter your structure.

Wild emotions begin to stabilize and you are able to use these emotions to create by focusing them into gratitude — appreciation — joy — ecstasy to support your desired creation.

The old world begins to crumble and fade like a dream. All the desperation and fear becomes a distant memory and even that can be fully released. The pain of lower vibrations disappear and are replaced with Bliss which is your natural state of being. Confusion — feeling lost — disconnected — and lack is replaced with clarity — feeling home — connection to all life — and abundance. The illusions of danger in the old world, the fourth age, melt away.

For as your vibrations rise there is nowhere for the old vibrations to stick and they fall away like water as you rise out of it: imagine the lower densities are like being plunged into water. It is all around you and you are submerged in it. You breathe it — move through it — live in it and you have done this in these densities. Now as you rise in your vibration, you float to the surface and you are able to look around and see there is another reality above the water.

Now this encourages you to focus on this new world — this new reality. As you stay focused on this you rise up out of the water. No one does it for you, you create the rising by what you focus on.

If you begin to allow all your thoughts and attentions to focus again on the world under the water you will sink under once again. You have the control — you have the choice and you are the one that chooses. By your focus you create the world you live in as that vibration fills your body — mind.

Every single one of you, no matter what age — what color skin — what raise — what location you are on this Earth — creates your own world. And if you create your world — you can change it.

Now some of you have been "fed" to reality their whole Earth life. Told what is real and given all the rules and laws that must be kept to live correctly within their environment.

Families do this; make rules about what you each must do to successfully be part of this family. Some families are wonderful and some families are living in desperation and fear.

Neighborhoods have their outlines that create them as an entity and enhance their existence. Cities — cultures — religions — schools — countries — regimes — Dark Lords — worldwide controllers. If you belong to and believe in one of these organizations, if you want to be a part of it you must follow their rules and believe their stories about reality. You must aligned to their laws and their reality becomes your reality.

If you desire a change — a new experience — it is possible. No matter how deeply embedded your life has become in one of these organizations — these systems of governance — you can change. For some it takes great courage and sacrifice in the change may only be allowed quietly inside your own mind and heart. That is perfect! For that is where the true seeds of change begin — that is where your new creation begins.

If you're living in a system where you feel trapped or obligated to stay, if you so are deeply embedded that the only thing you know is that you are unhappy or dissatisfied, or if you are in fear or desperation or maybe you are being harmed; you are still a powerful creator. No one can rob you of this. They can only attempt to enhance your forgetfulness.

If this message reaches you — in any way physically or vibrationally — it is in this moment we send you this message; it only takes a decision on your part. Consciously asking for help is a decision that you desire a change — you desire to free yourself from your current reality. Make that decision known inside of yourself; quietly asked the Angels — the Masters — star beings — nature beings — even Mother Earth; ask them to help you make the change.

Then from that moment onward, in even the tiniest way in your heart and mind choose to focus your thoughts and feelings on love — forgiveness — light — and freedom.

Even if you don't know how this will happen, you have set in motion a request — you have entered a new dream.

There is the tiny seed within you; forgive abusers — forgive yourself for being in and creating this story. You can use a technique called Ho’oponopono this based on the premise that you take responsibility for creating your world and accepting yourself within it.

You're beginning to open the doors for new dream.
Things will change — you will change.
When you change — your reality will change.

Even if you are a prisoner physically or mentally, you have the power to change inside. Not one outward influence can stop this. No matter what your circumstances, you can change your internal channel and shift your reality.

As the energies from the Cosmos converge — stronger and stronger at the nexus of Earth — this location where you are living — as you move through energies in space that enhance and drive the vibration upwards — things intensify — change must occur — choices must be made — opportunities to create a new reality are enhanced and magnified. Not one living being on earth, in Earth or around Earth has the wheels strong enough to ignore it or resist it.

It is a time of choice — enhanced by the convergence of all creation! It is decreed that the old experiment is over and every living soul — every particle of this Earth experiment — must choose what it desires next.

Saleena: This has been a long and beautiful flow of feelings — energies and information. What more do you want to share Russian Mark at times when your thoughts — words — feelings were flowing through, I felt myself so aligned — as if some of this were my own thoughts and feelings.

Serapis Bey: Since 8-8 we are merged. We co-create this today. Where ever your heart — mind aligned with mine and where we align with the Councils of Light we are ONE. I will continue to stay with you if you allow me. I have more to share with you.

Each who participated in the Lift the Earth and Special Activation and to merged with one of the Council of Light or Council of Om may choose when to end the merge. Ask them all to follow their hearts. Some may be ready to disconnect now or some may continue to merge if there is something felt a value mutually to share and to remember — explore.

Each of you have chosen to allow one of our Council members to "walk" the Earth and experience in even deeper level of the Earth's living library through you. Of this we are grateful.

If you agree to continue the merge more can be learned and shared. At any time you may ask for your companion of light to leave. It is your choice. Please inform all that participated of this choice.

Saleena: yes, thank you, I will continue the merge with you Serapis Bey this point. I would like to learn more from you and host you to walk the Earth through me until we know we are complete. Thank you and welcome! Has certainly already been learning through the fourth ray. Is what is said about you online true; what I posted?

Serapis Bey: I oversee, as part of my chosen calling or mission — the fourth ray — and I assist all and finding a renewable — Connection to Nature. I oversee artists and creatives and yes, they have learned through conflict on this ray. So many artist’s lives are rich with polarity experience — the intensities of the polarized opposites. The wide range makes for passionate expression. This was the beauty of this Earth plan; the intensity of the experience in flesh. Matter manifest to experience through.

Artists are rich and diverse in their expressions create. I align my support with them.

This message is complete for now. I will be with you so I may add more as you prepare for sharing it.

So much love to you all, Serapis Bey

About the author

Saleena Kí

Omniversal Storyteller through her Art, Photography, Music & Word who LOVES Nature, Mother Earth & Assisting us ALL to LIGHTEN UP!

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