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Why Walk When You Can Fly?

Saleena: Today is a day of celebrating freedom in the USA.
This woman talks about where true freedom comes from…

Why Walk When You Can Fly? The Movie

"In moments like these,
the only thing that is real is that love,
uniting us in limitless action,
our past disputes and conflicts
forgotten for a holy instant.
In this moment we simply are …
united in that love.

It is consciousness acting in this tireless giving and sharing, and in these actions we see how the consciousness of humanity is rising, with support arriving ever faster in response to these extreme situations. We see how love prevails over pain and fear; always present, with a myriad faces and expressions, but in essence, always love." Isha Judd – IN the Face of Catastrophe, A Shared Embrace

Here is her blog: Why Walk When you Can Fly?   She has a number of Lessons on Youtube Here is a link to  Lesson 1

"You create this world…
and you can change it in any moment…

So I wil say it again…

Why Walk When You Can Fly?

This song has been one of my favorites over the years… seems like a great time to share it when so much is happening that it is tempting to feel desperate or tense…

I love sharing all kinds of different perspectives…
embracing one truth, to me, is to say & believe that

All the Stories are True.

Much love to you all,
I am grateful to be able to share
my life and thoughts with you all…
I am Grateful!


PS. This is an extraordinary book that tells a story about this…that all the sotires are true…

The Kin of ATA are Waiting for You

The Kin of Ata, by Dorothy Bryant, shows us another way. A way free of sin, guilt, exclusion, boring TV, AND yet full of fun, joyful work, ways to lift ourselves up, ways to fulfill our human lives.This is a joy filled adventure. Easy to read. Just over 200 pages in length. Very easy to read. I bet you read it more than once!!

To the Misty Isles of Ata, Avalon, Camelot and Erin.

On The Road to God Kows Where

The Beauty of the Human and All Creation

the kin of ata— a modern right of passage for all souls

About the author

Saleena Kí

Omniversal Storyteller through her Art, Photography, Music & Word who LOVES Nature, Mother Earth & Assisting us ALL to LIGHTEN UP!