Real Life Story UFO Phenomenon

UFO 'seen zooming over eastern Australia'

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UFO 'seen zooming over eastern Australia'
Sat. Jun 5th, 2010:

Scores of people across Australia's east coast say they saw bizarre yellow-green light zooming across the sky "like a lollipop swirl" early this morning.

It is not clear what the light was although there is speculation it may have been the Falcon 9 rocket which launched into space yesterday.

The light trail was seen between 5.45am and 6am by people in Canberra, Sydney's north shore and Queensland, ABC News reports

"It was moving west to east with a jumbled electronic sound," Jim White said.

UFO/Spiral spotted over eastern Australia
– Footage above Cordeaux Heights-

Hayley Farry said she and a group of friends saw the light while out jogging.

"It was really weird, like nothing else I had ever seen before," Ms Farry said.

"We were trying to guess what it may have been, we were convinced it certainly was not normal."

ABC Radio Brisbane 612 caller Linda said the light travelled from the west, headed east and then out to sea.

"There wasn't a cloud in the sky — just this light with a swirl in the middle," she said.

Another caller said there was no noise in the sky as the light passed over.

"It was like bands of ribbon coming out of it and it looked like it was coming through a cloud, yet there were no clouds," she said.

Canberra local James Butcher said the light had a bright centre that resembled a star.

"The colour was yellowish but this may have been blurred and tinted by the morning fog," Mr Butcher said.

Thanks Christopher OV Admin for posting this! and Omnitheus Oneironaut : OV_Admin. for your comments.


Few More Comments:…isn't this awsome! I believe it was even seen by people in Melbourne (wish I had of been outside at the time)….That means it's been seen over the eastern coast for at least 2000km. I think it's really funny that they are blaming a rocket (once again, just like the Russian spiral).

…Interesting…Little Grandmother has talked about the spirals in the sky. Thanks for sharing.

…The spiral followed the east coast from South East Queensland all the way down to Victoria! The Norway Spiral didn't travel like that! Wow! Beams of Light to Everyone!


UFO seen over the Gold Coast
approximately 5.55am
Saturday June 5th, 2010.

I was on the beach, at the water's edge and looked to the west to see a beautiful, bright moon. Except it wasn't the moon! It was a bright light moving slowly east, towards me and surrounded by a swirling mist. The mist rotated clockwise around the bright, white light and followed it perfectly.

The light moved slowly across the sky (directly above the Coolangatta Airport) and remained silent the whole time. It disappeared in the east (seemingly disappearing into a cloud!). This UFO was witnessed by many people on the East Coast of Australia and at this stage in time has been dismissed as being space junk. See for yourself.

It was NOT the ISS (Space Station) according to it's orbit information and time. It MAY HAVE BEEN the X-37B as it's orbit passed over Australia.

Saleena; I haven't checked into the authenticity of this one yet…There is always someone trying to create disinformtion about these sightings. Sometimes someone does fake them, most of the time they happened. I keep holding the intention for full disclousure by the governments about the existence and their interactions with ETs and the technology we already have that was back engineered from Space Craft.

Similar to the Crop Circle Phenomenon, the researchers are begining to get excited even about the human made ones, since it is an ongoing conversation now and the mystery and intriged of attempting to decipher them is rising.

Whether it is faked or human created craft or Star Craft with Star beings onborad it is definately coming more & more to our attentions.

Another interesting Videos:

Rainbow UFO – Gold Coast, Australia

About the author

Saleena Kí

Omniversal Storyteller through her Art, Photography, Music & Word who LOVES Nature, Mother Earth & Assisting us ALL to LIGHTEN UP!