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Human Thought can Literally Transform the Physical World

Every once in awhile I find myself craving a good story. Last night my friend, Veronique, heard me say so & brought out a book,  The Lost Key by Dan Brown. I find that when I am in the flow of the universe & t gives me a book, it has something supportive or life changing in it for me. Always. No matter how the story is written, whether it is “true” or claimed to be fiction, I know it is my higher self giving me clues along my path & helping my earth life to be more meaningful & exciting. The messages are always syncronistic.

Speaking of being given clues: this is shared in a creative way in a system called “Chance Is God Travelling Incognito” The guidance is “Open a book at random. Close your eyes and walk your finger on the page until it stops itself. The word it points to will give you the answer. Do you have a decision or choice to make? If so draw out a list of all the possibilities you could choose and proceed in the same manner. This is how you allow your innate, or noetic, intelligence to show you what is the best for you, without any emotional or ego –driven interferences.

The response will shoot up from your essence, your soul, from deep within you.

The one and only rule you must abide by is to accept what is shown to you and never challenge the answer, whatever others may think.” Marie Noëlle

It is only the last part I want to expand on… always listen to your instincts and intuition first and it is alright if you don’t like the answer or don’t resonate with it. Ask again. It is alright.

Recently we heard Mellen Thomas-Benedict sharing his stories about his journey to the light & back & one of the things he brought back was the perspective that the most inspired & correct Prophets throughout history are the fiction writers! Hmmmmm…

I love stories… so I surrendered to the call to read last night. I got very enthusiastic when I read about this: “One of the theories espoused by Dan Brown’s new book is that when many people share the same thought, that thought can have physical effects.” His character, Katherine, is a scientist working within the genre of a Noetic Science with some leading edge scientific research. Noetic Sciences are indeed studying mankind’s direct & immediate access to knowledge beyond what is available to our normal senses & the power of reason. The word, noetic roughly translated from the Greek word nous, means inner knowledge or intuitive consciousness.

Body-Mind-Spirit by mantihhf7

I love these quotes from The Lost Key: Chapter 15: “Despite Noetic Science’s use of cutting-edge technologies, the discoveries themselves were far more mystical than the cold, high-tech machines that were producing them. The stuff of magic & myth was fast becoming reality as the shocking new data poured in, all of it supporting the basic ideology of Noetic Science- the untapped potential of the human mind. The overall thesis was simple: We have barely scratched the surface of our mental & spiritual capabilities.”

Their research has “catagorically proven that human thought, if properly focused, had the ability to affect & change physical mass.” Highly controlled inquiries that all produce the same extraordinary results: our thoughts actually interact with the physical world, whether or not we know it, effecting change all the way down to the subatomic realm.

I say it is mind aligning thoughts into matter.

Back to Katherine, “…her results become more astounding. Her work in this lab had proven beyond the shadow of a doubt that “mind over matter” was not just some New Age self-help mantra. The mind had the ability to alter the state of matter itself & more important, the mind had the power to encourage the physical world to move in a specific direction. We are the masters of our own universe.”

“At the subatomic level, Katherine had shown that particles themselves came in & out of existence based solely on her INTENTION to observe them.”

Her desire to see that particle manifested that particle!

Lynne Taggart’s The Intention Experiment with her global web-based study is aimed at discovering how human intention can affect the world. “Human thought can literally transform the physical world.”

”Living consciousness somehow is the influence that turns the possibility of something into something real. The most essential ingredient in creating our universe is the consciousness that observes it.” Lynne McTaggart

“The most astonishing aspect of Katherine’s work, however, had been the realization that the mind’s ability to affect the physical world could be augmented through practice. Intention was a learned skill. Like meditation, harnessing the true power of “thought” required practice.” quotes from The Lost Key: Chapter 15

image by Scott Draves and the Electric Sheep

Saleena: What happens when millions of human minds aligned in their hearts with one focused intention happens? That is what we are finding out. Here is another opportunity to find out on April 4, 2010. Invitation: New Super Consciousness Grid; Create a Unified Heart & Mind; Create the Reality We Desire Now

About the author

Saleena Kí

Omniversal Storyteller through her Art, Photography, Music & Word who LOVES Nature, Mother Earth & Assisting us ALL to LIGHTEN UP!