ASCENSION PROCESS Expanded Views New Reality Skill Vibrakeys

Dancing into the Unknown for the Changes

Sunspot - upclose - Nasa

Saleena: This time we all chose to come to Earth is a chaotic and monumental time! You know that sometimes civilizations and cultures have gone on for 100s of years without any significant changes. Life went on in a certain way day after day for hundreds of years. Then all of a sudden, all over the world, changes show up all at once. Makes me wonder what is causing this kind of movement in the world at the same time. Marimar is studying that right now as he looks at how we can sculpt a New Cosmology. I look forward to when he is ready to share his research with us all. We are certainly in that kind of time right now.

This is the kind of energy and time we live in right now.

Everything is changing.

Everything is in movement.

Nothing is stagnant energetically speaking. Mother Earth has chosen to take the steps to become a higher dimensional being and she is going for it! We have witnessed her change; moving from a being who was patient and tolerant, who allowed all kind of abuse and imbalance to live out and play out on her body in the name of human experience. In 2006 we were called to a meeting where we met the higher soul of Mother Earth-Gaia. She introduced herself as Cht’i’aia. She had a plan and beautifully presented us with an invitation to help her create a sanctuary on her body. We all helped and it was implemented. We all together created a new status for earth which we called A New Earth Sanctuary. I did a piece of vibrational art, a Vibrakey I called VK30 Sanctuary to express and share these energies and story.

VK30 Sanctuary - New Earth

We watched her begin to wake up and make the decision that she would no longer tolerate the abuse & destruction. We have watched her as she began to raise her vibration at a remarkable speed. It is measurable in hertz. We are all powerful Creators with the capacity to love and feel compassion. To envision, imagine and manifest everything we need. We just forgot. There are no victims here. We are God sparks and we have been part of the decision to allow certain elite groups to take over; control us, rob us of our precious resources, manipulate & entrance our brains, use our time and energy, poison us & our earth. and nearly destroy us. Humans are incredibly strong and resilient. We are driven by a certain kind of inner knowing that we are here to evolve. Now it is time for us to take action.

Today I want to talk about fear of the unknown. Fear of change. I think we must all have experienced that adrenaline pumped feeling when we are scared, stressed or worried about our safety or well being. How will I make it one more day in an economy that feels like it is crashing? How will I pay my bills & have enough for my basic needs, much less investing into a creative and fulfilling life, when so much is unknown and unpredictable? How can I feel safe in a world that is headed for destruction? What can I do that will make a difference? It takes some skill to learn to choose to feel safe and to choose to take steps in your life in spite of the initial feelings of fear. Especially if those steps  are going to be leading you onto an unknown path.

Choosing to create something new may evoke fear. Sometimes we let fear stop us from changing the way we do things. When you always do what you know how to do, and thus avoid the discomfort that arises when you are faced with a choice that is unknown, you will continue to have a life full of what you already have. To step into the unknown is an amazing & necessary step to have something new in your life. That pretty much sums up where we are. Almost everyday we are encountering the unknown. The way we have been living; we will destroy ourselves if we refuse to change. So if we get caught in fear or stay in fear, that could end things in a most difficult way.

We are being bathed in the intense energies of the most astonishing movement & astrological alignments that support and require us to change.

Power of Love - unknown

Mother Earth has chosen.

She is changing.

She is ascending.

What will it be for you?

It is a choice that is there to make.

Have you consciously chosen to ascend?

I made the conscious choice to ascend.

That doesn’t mean I am going to rise up and leave this body and all you behind. It means I am dedicated to doing whatever it takes to keep aligning myself with the rising vibrations.

Whenever fear arises, as soon as I can remember, I choose to look at what is really happening in the current moment at a time. Then I have to look inside and find where the fear is coming from, what part of me is cowering or warning me of some impending disaster. Remember the mind only has in it memories. so it can only compare things. So when something in me is generating fearful feelings, it is comparing the now moment to something that happened in the past. My response is to say to this inner part of me, “I see you are feeling afraid, I hear your message and I thing you for doing your job so beautifully. Now I am choosing to have a new experience. I would like you to support me as I take these steps to try out something new.  to remember my purpose” Then I can relax into the exquisite ride into the unknown to create something new, to be riding the rising wave into the greatest Shift of all Ages.

Fear or Love:

The way that I like to see fear is as an absence of love; fear is a contracting force, unlike love which is always expanding; fear takes me away from love. Fear however is not the enemy; it is an essential part of life. I am learning that fear can be a friend. Fear shows me when I am at the very edge of the known, alerting me and giving me the opportunity to step over that edge and grow.

It is possible to dance with fear, rather than to simply run from it…

to dance into the unknown.

Dancing Heart

May you always have the courage to dance with all your fears.”

Dancing Heart

About the author

Saleena Kí

Omniversal Storyteller through her Art, Photography, Music & Word who LOVES Nature, Mother Earth & Assisting us ALL to LIGHTEN UP!