2011-03-31 SpinningStarS eNews

Do It For The Love of It


I was guided to this older email today. Seems I needed this message. He says it well…

From: Action Institute List v1 [mailto:support=actioninstitute.com@mail284.us2.mcsv.net] On Behalf Of Action Institute List v1
Sent: Friday, March 04, 2011 11:28 PM
To: saleena@vibrakeys.com
Subject: Do It For The Love Of It




March 5, 2011
After nearly two decades in business...

I've finally decided to do what I love to do.

In the past my pure ambition led me to chase business models that appeared to have the potential to be big and prosperous. Big and prosperous was the primary goal.

Bigger didn't equate to prosperity, I came to learn. At least, not the prosperity that brings happiness, peace, and contentment. 

I found myself confused. I have always thrived on Entrepreneurship and the process of business building, so that's what I did. But my approach never really brought the satisfaction I had envisioned at the outset. Overall, my efforts created more stress, pressure, and complexity than I intended to manage. 

After nearly two decades of running at a break-neck pace for "Big Success", and after nearly three years now of careful reflection; I've chosen to only take on projects that I will love, enjoy, and that will personally satisfy me. 

So far, I'm finding that I'm more motivated, excited, relaxed, and creative than I've felt in the last 10 years. I don't worry as much. I don't set stressful self-imposed deadlines. I'm letting things naturally unfold. I'm finally following the wisdom of the Irish poet, Brandon Kennelly who taught, "To go fast, row slowly..."

I get it now. Twenty years later :)

While reflecting on my new-found liberation, I stumbled accross a favorite book, "Small Giants: Companies that Choose to be Great Instead of Big" by Bo Burlingham (2008). He profiles 14 incredible companies that choose to focus on objectives that are bigger and frankly, better, than the common, "grow fast, get big, and cash in" mentality of business.

This is a book worth reading and I posted a short review with some of Bo's key points on my blog, check it out right here:

Small Giants

So, why are you doing whatever it is you do? I hope you do what you really love to do, and open your definition of success!

Best to you,

Jeff Chavez

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Riding the waves… of intensity and bliss.

Here are some Messages from my Blog.


4 Planets plus our Moon Align

Breakdown & Make Room for the New

Power House Alignments Affect Self & Relationships

This Revolution MUST Happen! Choose a NEW REALITY!


We are in a very significant time. No matter how I feel if I stop, focus inward, take a deep breath or two and feel what is really going on there is an ecstatic bliss energy running through every cell. It is there underlying whatever way breakdown or chaos is presenting itself in this moment to me. It is certainly an odd dichotomy of old and new existing simultaneously. What a ride!


Last week I heard a message on The AwakeNing Man Summit. By Dr. Bradley Nelson who had discover what he calls The Emotion Code. He talked about how mostly what he found over the years is that 99% of things can be shifted when the embedded or stuck  emotion is released.